Hi BB Staff & Others

I will post my idea also here, because i got a great feedback from many other lvl50 Players to this idea, and i think its worth to think about it.

Many Players are a bit boring over lvl45, only stupid adventure making and so on, and many wait for pvp action or a lvl-upgrade. BB is working on it good and i know it needs much work & time to implement this in the game. BUT my idea is simple, could give a great plus for gameplay, give every multiplayeradventure a huge load of new tactics and should be also easy to implement here in the game....
So i had the idea of making "adventure competitions & tournaments". I try as good as i could to explain the idea in this first "raw draft"

How To?:
1) 2 (or 3 Player) choose 1 adventure, the number of identical generals (4 or more would be good and i would suggest to use only normal generals)
2) The player define a time when they wana play to each other and one of them start the adventure. All player send then their g-mans on the adventure. First come... first get the best startposition.
3) After all arrived on the map, the chellange could start. Every Player tries now to get as much XP as he could with his troups.
4) Winner is the one, who has the most XP (Screenshot is MUST and get the whole "Price")

BTW: The rules are of course only a suggestion, feel free to make your own rules in private challanges or start own challanges on your server.

R1) No send back! You have only the generals and troops what you brought in the adventure.
R2) Game starts after all players are ready to go and on the map.
R3) Disconnections, laggs and other technical problems during the game, could happend and its the risk of each player. Game would go on in this case for all other and its bad luck.
R4) Game ends after the adventure is cleared or all members had no possibility more to attack a camp (in this case the adventure leader has to cancle the adventure after asking the other players) ... (btw it could also be good to set an ending time maybe, depends on the players)
R5) Winner is the one with the most XP ... Screenshot is MUST (Very easy uploadpossibility here: http://tinypic.com/ and for free)

An example for a private dark priest 2 player challange:
Generals: 4 (normal)
Startingtime: Wednesday, 13.03. (20:00)
Startingfee: 1000 coins each Player and a Dark Priest
Winner ist the one with the most XP (Winner gets then 2x 1000 coins + 2 Dark Priests Adventures)

An second example with a 3 Player Victor
Generals: 4 (normal) each player
Startingtime: Wednesday, 13.03. (20:00)
Startingfee: 1500 coins each Player and a Victor
Winner ist the one with the most XP (Winner gets then 3x 1500 coins + 3 Vic Adventures)

and so on ...

I try it atm on Northisle with some Players and it seems also playable WITHOUT any implementeations into the game BUT:

If the BBs could implement an user interface (window) where 2 (or 3 players) could choose for example (PLAYER/ADVENTURE/STARTINGTIME (with counter maybe)/ and the possiblility to choose Ressources for the Price (same like the choosing window of the trading office maybe?) ) ... then it would increase the gameplay extremly (my opinion) ...
Here some positives:
- lvl50 Players would not boring anymore
- NO disturbing of the current gameplay (because is only an "addon")
- all things are here, only a new user interface would be nice
- no competive to PVP (its a different thing ... more PvC Player versus Computer)
- great new gameplay at any multiplayer adventure (so many ways to win possible!)
- the atm "boring and useless" adventures could be used!
- big motivation for guilds to play adventure challanges together
- maybe rankings for each adventure possible
- Tournaments (like soccer games) are possible
- and many more ...

Feel free to add here some suggestions, or better try some private competition with friends on our server. Would be great if you post here after some "private competions" our experience.

Okay guys thats it.. first raw-draft and hope some of you tries the idea with friends and i hope also to get some Feedback from the Dev's if they'll read them. I dont know if they are really reading this ^^ ... Therewhile i try some "challanges" with others on Northisland and thest the "gameplay" ^^ ... the first Challange was great and really much fun!


(BTW: I didnt read the above a 2nd time and wrote it in a row ... *hrhr* so typos could be of course possible :P )