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Thread: This event vs the last time we had gameworlds event.

  1. #11
    Original Serf ACTIVIST's Avatar
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    Well.. after reading all that i will never spend another penny on TSO.
    this event is immensely boring and a massive waste of resources not to mention the tedious ' . making MILLIONS of balloons 500 at a time only to see ze germans getting a leg up from BB with gem deals days before everyone else so they could finish 1st and get top prize.
    I'm getting bored of this game. I don't know how long i'll be here if the game keeps going downhill like it is.
    TSO is becoming like all the other games.. [ Removed ]

    ps. why can't we have Nords 2? Jokers..

    No self censorship please,
    Last edited by peck_ed; 22.07.13 at 07:57.
    Thy A Wierdo Thee

  2. #12
    Ruler of the Land
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    the nords 2 discussion is a bit of a non starter- only a limited amount of people willing to overpay for a limited edition retail box get it - so it is not widely available anyway

    the monetizing discussion- well if they cant make money of the game, they will pull the plug - plain and simple. In the end they develop these games to make money. Even a company that makes a game just for the enjoyment of their customers will need to think of how to make money and if in FTP environment, those same principles will apply-

    But not putting in effort to ensure a reasonably fair playing field or a more engaging event is just laziness

    It could well be that the german development team looks at the german server statistics only to develop the game and play around with em and then project em over all servers and find out after the fact that it doesnt work but they knew that after eotw event and should have put in the effort to correct it- esp with that balancing phase they put in. The balancing hasnt worked and once again a large proportion of people feel let down or worse feel cheated by BB.

    BB, u have to realize that this costs you money as people will be less and less willing to invest money- not for lack of liking the game but for lack of trust

  3. #13
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    the monetizing discussion- well if they cant make money of the game, they will pull the plug - plain and simple. In the end they develop these games to make money. Even a company that makes a game just for the enjoyment of their customers will need to think of how to make money and if in FTP environment, those same principles will apply.
    Monetising the game is one issue - obviously BB need it to be profitable - but you don't make it plain to your customers that you are exploiting them. There is a difference between making a profit and trying to get every last penny out of your players. Eventually players get fed up if they feel exploited, and they leave. I've done that when I've felt an online game is just trying to make me spend money at every turn. The online games that I enjoy playing are able to treat their customers as intelligent people who will pay for a good game without being forced into it. I enjoy the general game provided in TSO, and most of the events, but if other events end up being like 20th Anniversary Event, I might get annoyed enough to leave.

  4. #14
    Glorious Graduate
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    It's a legal requirement that corporations put profit before everything else, humans are exploited 24/7, by the time a child is seven years old they will have seen 20,000 adverts a year, money money money is the bottom line

    Want to see how the rest of the world really veiws you?
    [ Removed ]

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    Last edited by peck_ed; 22.07.13 at 12:21.

  5. #15
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Ares, that speech has been doing the rounds since 2010, I have a hardcopy of the original from 1 of Teut's lecture tours.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  6. #16
    Skilled Student
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    Yes,here it is: Weaknesses.php%5D

  7. #17
    Jolly Advisor
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    Look at the date of it, that's the same interview we read last year.

  8. #18
    Enlightened Sage
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    Not sure what the point of posting that article is, though. Nothing in it should have prevented the balloon event from being better! Indeed, you could argue that BB would have monetised us players more if the event had been better thought through and organised.

  9. #19
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sto_Helit View Post
    Monetising the game is one issue - obviously BB need it to be profitable - but you don't make it plain to your customers that you are exploiting them. There is a difference between making a profit and trying to get every last penny out of your players. Eventually players get fed up if they feel exploited, and they leave. I've done that when I've felt an online game is just trying to make me spend money at every turn. The online games that I enjoy playing are able to treat their customers as intelligent people who will pay for a good game without being forced into it. I enjoy the general game provided in TSO, and most of the events, but if other events end up being like 20th Anniversary Event, I might get annoyed enough to leave.
    I don't feel the game is a "spend money or you can't progress" type nor a - if you dont spend money you will be at a distinct disadvantage. Maybe when pvp comes this will be the case but as gem bought items are tradable, a lot of non spending players due to effort and smart trading/producing will be able to get most items they need to be on equal footing with paying players.

    However, i do agree that their events are getting worse- mostly due to lack of investing time in seeing what is really beneficial and fair to the playerbase as a whole and what would be considered fun

    clicking eggs or 5 items on a map and end on the whole is not fun- playing an adventure for 10 balloons and a handful of xp is no fun. Adding epic adventure items as a random reward or a quest line reward is fun- but events focused on converting stuff in the prov house as the main stay of the adventure is just a waste of time- after a week of clicking till you drop you get bored and it gets very shallow

  10. #20
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    I don't feel the game is a "spend money or you can't progress" type nor a - if you dont spend money you will be at a distinct disadvantage. Maybe when pvp comes this will be the case but as gem bought items are tradable, a lot of non spending players due to effort and smart trading/producing will be able to get most items they need to be on equal footing with paying players.
    Agreed, there is a pretty good game to be played within the confines of the free game. It is satisfying enough for me and I don't feel at a huge disadvantage compared to players that have spent a lot of money on it. I do like the ability to earn gems through the 7 day login bonus, levelling up and server competitions or the occasional gem item that is made available to purchase through an ingame resource such as eggs. All of this is pretty satisfying and I feel that I'm treated relatively well in this way.

    A small gripe would be regarding the positioning of the 'instant complete' button, which I have mistakenly hit a few times during the 20th Anniversary Event. Each time I lost gems and felt annoyed because I had not intended to activate that button. This feels like manipulation on the part of the game developers and all it does is annoy me. If this becomes a big enough issue; ie I hit an 'instant complete' that loses me a large amount of gems, this would be the tipping point for me to leave the game. At this point I would not be happy and would be very unlikely to recommend the game to people that might enjoy playing a building and trading game.

    However, i do agree that their events are getting worse- mostly due to lack of investing time in seeing what is really beneficial and fair to the playerbase as a whole and what would be considered fun

    clicking eggs or 5 items on a map and end on the whole is not fun- playing an adventure for 10 balloons and a handful of xp is no fun. Adding epic adventure items as a random reward or a quest line reward is fun- but events focused on converting stuff in the prov house as the main stay of the adventure is just a waste of time- after a week of clicking till you drop you get bored and it gets very shallow
    This is the major issue with these events - they are not actually that much fun. They seem to be unfair and they don't seem to have been well thought out. I did build wells, convert resources and click buttons until I was so bored that I wanted to scream and I did it almost to the bitter end. I decided not to stay up all night to convert the last few batches of water into balloons, but I did donate up until I logged out of the game. Many people did this; many people ended up with aching hands, insomnia, computers overheating and threatening to melt, family members wondering why they were being forsaken for well-building, all in the spirit of fighting to the end even though there was probably no chance of getting the next level of rewards. It turned into a water-and-balloon grinder of an event that also caused massive resentment, anger, envy and a whole host of negative feelings.

    BB needs to learn that although it is possible to monetise players via the seven deadly sins, it might not be the best business model, and there are distinct advantages to using positive attributes to keep your players happy and enthused.

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