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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary Valentine 2020 Event

  1. #41
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cheethamhill View Post
    so basically Lovetreex3 and upgraded to level; 3 x1-same with chocolatier 3 and 1,bundle,Obs,SP,5 explo's,2 Geo ,41 water mansion and 11k flowers on hand and nearly 9 days left-so not unrealistic at all.

    Explorers was less than 5%-about 75% of my flowers came from selling 2500/3000 refills per day.
    Umm... 2500 refills per day means you would for example need +60-70 buccaneer/siege loots (best loot vs time) with premium per day.

    If you do one 2h observatory run with friends and one also having a observatory active, plat horseshoe active and everyone doing precision work with not a single minute lost its at tops 16-18 loots per 2h. However at extreme case you can only activate your observatory max twice per day and if you do that would have to use at least 4 hours of non stop playing each day only get half of that refill amount. During the time you cant buy lootspot or do anything else at the same in terms of getting refills. Rest of the the time you could join observatory runs hosted by others, buy ls and do other stuff but you would have to play actively around 8-12 hours per day.

    Unless you want to go more in detail how did you get up to that number per day I think you have a different meaning for the word unrealistic than majority of the TSO players do

  2. #42
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Those increased production times on fields was naughty by BB, even 20 mins per drop wasn't great with only 3 fields, lol, they trying to account for pfb but I bought about 150 Love crazed last year & ran 6 per day to equal pfb. Pls don't tamper with the Easter event, lol

  3. #43
    Glorious Graduate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    Umm... 2500 refills per day means you would for example need +60-70 buccaneer/siege loots (best loot vs time) with premium per day.

    If you do one 2h observatory run with friends and one also having a observatory active, plat horseshoe active and everyone doing precision work with not a single minute lost its at tops 16-18 loots per 2h. However at extreme case you can only activate your observatory max twice per day and if you do that would have to use at least 4 hours of non stop playing each day only get half of that refill amount. During the time you cant buy lootspot or do anything else at the same in terms of getting refills. Rest of the the time you could join observatory runs hosted by others, buy ls and do other stuff but you would have to play actively around 8-12 hours per day.

    Unless you want to go more in detail how did you get up to that number per day I think you have a different meaning for the word unrealistic than majority of the TSO players do
    I smell a porky not possible to do that many sieges in a day don't care who you are ...taking into account traveling and just sending them out when you land best your gonna do is around 10-11 minutes per one

  4. #44
    Glorious Graduate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    Umm... 2500 refills per day means you would for example need +60-70 buccaneer/siege loots (best loot vs time) with premium per day.

    If you do one 2h observatory run with friends and one also having a observatory active, plat horseshoe active and everyone doing precision work with not a single minute lost its at tops 16-18 loots per 2h. However at extreme case you can only activate your observatory max twice per day and if you do that would have to use at least 4 hours of non stop playing each day only get half of that refill amount. During the time you cant buy lootspot or do anything else at the same in terms of getting refills. Rest of the the time you could join observatory runs hosted by others, buy ls and do other stuff but you would have to play actively around 8-12 hours per day.

    Unless you want to go more in detail how did you get up to that number per day I think you have a different meaning for the word unrealistic than majority of the TSO players do

    Observatory(7) run at three times per day...BR and siege are not the most efficient when they take 17/18 min... may as well do second thief in 18 min...TR all 4 completed in 10min and 20/22 per dual ob run taking inv lag etc is the best option.

  5. #45
    Glorious Graduate
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    You still miss the point, and in a kind of funny way you prove it right.

    It is mathematically impossible to get enough resources on your own, buying them from other players is not getting them on your own, its utilizing the resources someone else has produced.

    Plus it is only viable if people actually want to sell it, which is purely coincidental - so if for instance you were playing on my server, any attempt of selling regular goods for this kind of resources would only make people laugh at you, and you wouldnt buy jack.

    The reason it is even brough up is that the original point still stands - the event is such absurdly balanced that you only stand a chance of buying alot of stuff if a dozen other people dont.

    how are event refills "regular goods"?

  6. #46
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheethamhill View Post
    how are event refills "regular goods"?
    Well, anyone that plays the event and wants to buy stuff is going to be playing adventures to get the refills, and since you are hard capped on how much of them you can use, its quite easy to cap on them, and past the cap they become just another resource that you can get but have no use for.

    Realistically, the only use I can see for large amounts of refills is when someone has a ton of alt accounts and wants to get the flowers while at the same time being unable/ not wanting to do enough adventures.

  7. #47
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Well, anyone that plays the event and wants to buy stuff is going to be playing adventures to get the refills, and since you are hard capped on how much of them you can use, its quite easy to cap on them, and past the cap they become just another resource that you can get but have no use for.

    Realistically, the only use I can see for large amounts of refills is when someone has a ton of alt accounts and wants to get the flowers while at the same time being unable/ not wanting to do enough adventures.
    I'm on the same server as Cheethamhill, I can see his island, I see his game-play. I can see where the truth lies.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  8. #48
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    I'm on the same server as Cheethamhill, I can see his island, I see his game-play. I can see where the truth lies.
    And ? how does that relate to any point made ?

    In case you misunderstood me, Im not saying hes lying, and im not accusing anyone here of any kind of illegal activity. Im just pointing out that the playing conditions that are required to do what he does do not necesarily make sense, so you might very well be playing in an artifical bubble created by your community,where you can do what you do, but it cant be done elsewhere.

    Game balance is something you need to consider across the entire game, not only just your guild or group of people you run with.

  9. #49
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    am all done bought everything i wanted only did about 20 sieges per day for about 6 days or so enough to get the refills to last event length...grabbed the observatory scouting post the 3 keener exp and 2 lovely plus the 3 choclater and upgraded it lvl 3 and the 3 love trees and upgraded lvl 3 ..the 3 new quarter masters and the proof of love pack...found it cheaper to buy the river mansions via trade when they was free in calendar then buying from shop so grabbed 14 off trade

  10. #50
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cheethamhill View Post
    Observatory(7) run at three times per day...BR and siege are not the most efficient when they take 17/18 min... may as well do second thief in 18 min...TR all 4 completed in 10min and 20/22 per dual ob run taking inv lag etc is the best option.
    BR is around 15 mins and siege even less (just did one, do note the mentioned plat horseshoe. I've also tried TR run and yeah you can do around 11 of em per side. However not only does the time matter but also the loot. I did some number crunching and the numbers are the following for 6 hours of dual observatory x3 gaming with the 3 co-ops:

    BR 21-36 refills x ~16 loot per run = 336-576 x prem = 504-864 x 3 observatory = 1512-2592
    SG 18-30 refills x ~18 loot per run = 324-540 x prem = 486-810 x 3 observatory = 1458-2430
    TR 15-24 refills x ~22 loot per run = 330-528 x prem = 495-792 x 3 observatory = 1485-2376

    TR is not really the best and is also more prone to time loss due having more people. Since we don't get max refills even half of the time I would say you can get to max 2k refill at best during that time. So I'm guessing my 8-12h per day was pretty close estimation for the 2500-3000 refills.

    However the total time you use each day, owning 7 observatory's and then also managing to setup 3 observatory swaps just at the right time in terms of your cooldown is simply unrealistic to majority of the game population and just proves many of the points sparkz has made in the thread about the event.

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