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Thread: Premium structures purchasable with Gold?

  1. #1
    Erudite Pioneer Tiletron's Avatar
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    May 2012

    Question Premium structures purchasable with Gold?

    I realise that Ubisoft set the bar high for the Premium content so that you would be required to pay money to get them, but it still feels like saying people must play the game for a very, very long time to purchase premium content. Now I can't seem to find any wikis that tell people how much you earn from the Gem Mine but, assuming it's one Gem per day, it would be great if you could get it by using gold.

    Would the studio consider 100,000 Gold Coins in exchange? This would still take a long time to produce, but it would also be useful for people who can't pay to get more Gems and want to spend them on other things. You could then add similar gold conversions to the other structures in the Store.
    Last edited by Tiletron; 24.12.12 at 02:42.

  2. #2
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jul 2012
    The Gem Pit produces 40,000 gems over 12 months (1 year), which you get at a rate of aprox 1gem / 13mins. (About 109 gems / day).

    TSO are very tight when it comes to stuff you buy with gems. If everything was made available using gold, or 'gifting' to people who don't have gems, then they'd not sell many gems. So yes, to achieve high in this game, you have to spend money. But it's not required, you can spend a few years building to the same level a gem buyer would take a few months getting to.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by EmperorScruffy View Post
    . So yes, to achieve high in this game, you have to spend money. But it's not required, you can spend a few years building to the same level a gem buyer would take a few months getting to.
    What a load of hogwash and misinformation

    No you don;t need to spend a ton of cash nor spend years on the game to get to the same level as a gem buyer would do in months.

    I am lvl 50, with 60 silos and 40 watermills and all base production at lvl 4/5 and have every single production chain up and running. I played 1 year and haven't spent a single euro on the game- just traded for stuff and went all out in the relevant events for the special rewards.

    Sure, i do not have a gem pit or endless copper mine as these are gem bought only but i can do perfectly well without those.

    Name of the game is play the right adventures (epic/resources) and trade. I am not the only non gembuyer at lvl 50 with most stuff built either. The statement that you need to spend money or massive amounts of time to get more or less on par with a gem buyer is just a cop out for unimaginative gaming imo

  4. #4
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    What a load of hogwash and misinformation

    No you don;t need to spend a ton of cash nor spend years on the game to get to the same level as a gem buyer would do in months.

    I am lvl 50, with 60 silos and 40 watermills and all base production at lvl 4/5 and have every single production chain up and running. I played 1 year and haven't spent a single euro on the game- just traded for stuff and went all out in the relevant events for the special rewards.

    Sure, i do not have a gem pit or endless copper mine as these are gem bought only but i can do perfectly well without those.

    Name of the game is play the right adventures (epic/resources) and trade. I am not the only non gembuyer at lvl 50 with most stuff built either. The statement that you need to spend money or massive amounts of time to get more or less on par with a gem buyer is just a cop out for unimaginative gaming imo
    A big-time gem buyer can get to lvl50 in under a month. There is no doubt it helps alot. However, this game does require to play daily to take full advantage. I do applaud you for getting this far without buying gems. Just remeber one thing pls...this game is brought to you by those who do buy gems. Without gem buyers, this game would not exsist!!!

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    i do appreciate that and a lot of people do get by with a limited amount of gems as well which will not get you on a quick road to 50 either

    My argument was just that gems are not needed to get high/well kitted out in this game by any means and it doesnt really get tough either- some things you need to save up gems for (extra licenses is one of em) from weekly reward and leveling rewards, other gem items you can buy from gembuyers for in game gold coin - like silos, watermills jolly geologist etc. Gem buying makes some aspects of the game easier but in the end gem buyers need to level by doing adventures just like anyone else and will be limited by how well they do this - they can afford to sink gems into getting high experience versus troop adventures to speed this up but the gems are not needed.

    And of course BB makes gems give people a decent advantage- they need to sell gems to make the game earn them some money- which is fine by me - but the game is not by any means a pay to win/pay to progress game like some f2p titles are

  6. #6
    Original Serf
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    Aug 2012
    You are exactly right.
    I made my comment not about whether someone can or cannot get higher levels without gems, but rather that you commented about Mr.Scruffy's post as "hogwash." In a way he is right, although his numbers are a bit blown out of scale (i.e it dont take years if you dont buy gems).

  7. #7
    Skilled Student Angua_Whisper's Avatar
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    I do not quite see the problem here. When you buy superbuffs, noble residences or other building via the market, the seller paid real life money for those items, and BB get its cut. Currently gems for traded items are 4-5 gc / gem.

    The problem if any is to protect noob players with overlarge credit card from beeing swindled out of their bought benefits by experienced players with a better idea of what things are worth.

    regards Angua

  8. #8
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    What a load of hogwash and misinformation

    No you don;t need to spend a ton of cash nor spend years on the game to get to the same level as a gem buyer would do in months.

    I am lvl 50, with 60 silos and 40 watermills and all base production at lvl 4/5 and have every single production chain up and running. I played 1 year and haven't spent a single euro on the game- just traded for stuff and went all out in the relevant events for the special rewards.

    Sure, i do not have a gem pit or endless copper mine as these are gem bought only but i can do perfectly well without those.

    Name of the game is play the right adventures (epic/resources) and trade. I am not the only non gembuyer at lvl 50 with most stuff built either. The statement that you need to spend money or massive amounts of time to get more or less on par with a gem buyer is just a cop out for unimaginative gaming imo
    LOL Right back at you: "What a load of hogwash and misinformation"

    You started early, which is a huge advantage over people starting more recently. Economics have changed massively.

    If you are willing to spend a long time online every day, then sure, you can do very well, and keep production high. Most people don't have that kind of time.

    Buying gems is, for the most part, a huge shortcut to an end-game island. But also gives big advantage in production (with self-sustaining and zero input resource production), and adventuring (with the Vet, etc). A non-gem buyer can come close to these advantages by spending a lot more time online manually sustaining production, and increased troop production to compensate for lack of a vet.

    Over time, a non-gem buyer CAN automate water and wheat, to achieve some of the advantage gem-buyers get early. But cannot automate everything a gem-buyer can.

    To summarize: gem buyer = End-game island achieve much sooner. MUCH less time online spent sustaining production, and reduced troop/resource cost in adventuring, access to adventures not really worth doing for non-gem buyers.

    I guess it comes down to your own opinion as to what you consider 'achieving high' in the game.


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