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Thread: Missing Guild Quests (Again.)

  1. #1
    Architect of the Empire
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Missing Guild Quests (Again.)

    Our GQs have vanished again, our last was 18th March. I'd been holding off posting in hopes something would shake loose but as it hasn't...

    We lost them last time too, two weeks before the bugfix for: when players leave a guild whilst a guild quest is active went live, that didn't apply to us then and we are at a loss to determine what's gone wrong this time though the series of events is a perfect repeat of last time. We've been completing them regularly if not every day, we haven't had masses of people joining or leaving and we've not changed anything we've been doing at all so far as we can tell. Even so:

    Ages ago: Waiting Guild Quests disappeared.
    Very slightly more recently: Daily GQs started skipping occasionally and didn't always arrive at the usual time.
    19th March: *poof* GQs vanished entirely.

    I've spoken with Support but unfortunately they've been unable to help and have "passed the information along to the Devs". If anyone else encounters this I'd advise sending as much info as possible in your first report to Support, there seems still to be some confusion there and On High about how GQs break and even how they work in the first place.

    Information I'd include if possible (just to cover all the bases):

    •Basic Guild Info and recent history. I just took a screenshot of the Guild Page.
    •Your position in the Guild. Leader/Admin/Etc. Lower ranks check with a higher if possible, they may already be working on it.
    •Name of last GQ completed if it's known.
    •Number of people usually needed to complete the Main GQ.
    •Whether or not you've been completing them regularly.
    •Whether or not anyone in your Guild has a Quest remaining in the Quest Book.
    •Status of your Guild Leader. You may be told Guild Leaders must sign in every day for the GQs to come daily and that only the Leader can complete or cancel* a GQ, this is not accurate. New GQs have been arriving whether the leader is active or no and they complete automatically when the required number of people have done the Individual portion, there is no special Complete Button the leader must press.
    •Anything else you feel may be useful.

    Should your Guild be unfortunate enough to contract this bug do please remember that while it is very frustrating it does appear to be a Dev thing and yelling at Support won't help, there are things they can't fix and most of their information comes From Above and from us, if we're as clear as possible Support can forward better info.

    *If the Guild Leader has tried and failed to cancel the current GQ click here for the new bug: The guild quest that won't go away
    Last edited by Iolanthe; 24.03.13 at 13:09.

  2. #2
    Architect of the Empire
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Today marks our one month anniversary with nary a glimpse of a Guild Quest or a solution. Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, back to Support we go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Hi there!

    My guild on Sandycove seems like facing something similar problem, we do not receive Guild quest since a few days!
    Do you have any evolution on this problem? This ssounds to be an issue if happened more then once.


  4. #4
    Eggcellent Essayist Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi I am the GL for Avenging Angels and we have not had a guild quest since the 22nd March. We completed one and there was not one waiting. We were expecting one the next morning when we logged in unfortunately nothing and none since. I wrote to support who confirmed the developers are dealing with this problem but I must keep an eye on the forum for further news. I have chased them again and though they thanked me nicely for my patience i got exactly the same info so here i am. I am not sure what I am looking out for because the developers don't normally answer on the forum. I assume I am now in the right spot - I have made posts elsewhere about this but then told to contact support. A vicious circle.

    I am online every single day. Some of our members were close to buying the permanent building slot when the quests stopped coming. We are a very active guild with often 78 normally required to complete the quests and they were normally done within 36 hours. We have also had our fair share of members getting zone lockouts, and other problems. Some members have left the game completely. Though I now have a couple of spaces available I am not advertising for new members as most want to join a guild who does guild quests.

    There is now general apathy in the guild. The BB video gave a small spark of interest which faded very quickly when we realised no dates and no increase in level cap. We have a few members level 50 or close. I am level 48 and have stopped collecting xp whats the point. We desperately need another team building event. Guild quests did bring us all in together now there is nothing. We have lotteries, quizes and lots of prizes and with the fiasco of the EOTW we turned it into our own event giving prizes for those at different levels who put in the most effort to do the adventures. But it is all now wearing thin even the forum is getting quieter and quieter.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    UK - Lincs
    I am GL for the CIA we have had no guild quest for nearly a week now. I have contacted support who can do nothing but have said it is with the developers. I do hope we are going to get some compensation for this. In the meantime attracting new guild members will be more difficult as we cannot do so based on the number of quests we complete, which by the way was 1 a day. Here's hoping something happens soon :-(

  6. #6
    Eggcellent Essayist Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Since we lost guild quests 22nd March we have more and more players becoming inactive. I am hoping that the quests will return no later than the 23rd May. After that date I dont know what will happen. We are likely to change from the 100 member active guild to sliding down the listing. I will not take on new members that are hoping for guild quests its not fair. What really annoys me is the lack of support about this. Contact support they say keep looking at the forum and await news. Talk on here about it and it can be 'please contact support'. I also think the guild coins we have lost should be given to our members as compensation. My problem did not start with the cancellation of a guild quest which has been the trigger for most. We completed one and the next just did not arrive.

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