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Thread: are there any guilds that actually have more than 50% finish their GQ's?

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    are there any guilds that actually have more than 50% finish their GQ's?

    I 've left my guild, as the avg in my last guild was 30-35%..........daily .........

    not used to not finishing my daily GQ ..........

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by zax1150 View Post
    I 've left my guild, as the avg in my last guild was 30-35%..........daily .........

    not used to not finishing my daily GQ ..........
    Sadly you are not on Northisle.

    I took over as leader of the combined VALE/hfc guild during the Christmas event and since then we have averaged over NINETY PERCENT GQ completion across the whole guild, despite several having been on holidays with no wifi connection.

    Currently 41 of the guild of 54 have a 100% guild quest completion record.
    Last edited by lordloocan; 27.01.20 at 20:20.

  3. #3
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    New Zealand
    Yes there are. We have 65%-75% at the moment, and that's low as it's summer holidays here.

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Apr 2013
    Ankh Morpork
    We do, but we are very alert on inactive members. As far as the game let's us. It's quite hard when they do not give us the tools to keep up with member's activity.

  5. #5
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I know I'm not the only 1 to suggest this but it takes a cpl of min's to bring up the guild members list of who has & hasn't completed just before GQ changeover & take a few screen grabs (printscreen) of inactive members so you have a record......weeds out the slackers v fast

  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Apr 2013
    Ankh Morpork
    [sacrastic mode]Yeah great. Screenshots are very handy indeed. We got 100 members so you need 6 or 7 of those clips each day.[/sarcastic mode] You have to be online at guild quest turnover to make them. You can't search, filter nor have an immediate history of each member.

    I just wish they could make it so you can export the information as text so you can put it in your database of choice

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by RinceWinde View Post
    [sacrastic mode]Yeah great. Screenshots are very handy indeed. We got 100 members so you need 6 or 7 of those clips each day.[/sarcastic mode] You have to be online at guild quest turnover to make them. You can't search, filter nor have an immediate history of each member.

    I just wish they could make it so you can export the information as text so you can put it in your database of choice
    Why would it take 6/7 screenshots? If you weed out the inactive members then you can click the shield, sort by completed/incomplete and screenshot the shield list to show who has not completed as one group.

    This is the shot for the one that completed today:

    This gave us 184 ggc each with 52 out of 54 completed. One of the 2 is visiting her mum and a poorly friend, the other was unable to complete as their crossbow maker was upgrading

    I work so am not around at gq change time but I have several officers who are more than happy to do the screenshot and mail it to me. I then have a spreadsheet with the members names in alphabetical order and when I login that evening it is a 5 minute job to update the spreadsheet etc. If someone is on holiday, travelling, busy at work, simply cannot get that days quest done then they mail me and I make a note on the sheet. If we have no information at all and someone is inactive for a week then we axe them, mail to explain, and re invite to the guild.

    It is pointless having a load of inactive players in the guild. Yes it keeps you ''on the front page on the guild list'' but with less and less new players coming to the game reputation is more valuable so that those looking to change guild know where their efforts on the guild quest will bring reward.
    Last edited by lordloocan; 30.01.20 at 14:35.

  8. #8
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Ankh Morpork
    I agree it's pointless to have inactive people, and we are pretty vigilant about it. But you have to agree the tools available to us are far from ideal.

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