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Thread: New Levels!

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    New Levels!

    Was happy to see on the homepage that there are new levels to be introduced and went to investigate...there was nothing,no new content,buildings,adventures nothing..the last time BB introduced new levels they came with Arch islands,Elite Buildings and Alis/new adventures,giving players some motivation and reason to play and gain these new as it stands atm and I hope I'm wrong and BB are just keeping the new content secret it is just a massive expanse of nothingness,they have actually made it even less motivating to pass level 71.....1.6 billion XP for no other reason than a shiny new number under your username.

    I feel sorry for the level 74's who had the very small reason to get to level 75 to farm some star coins for PFB's they added another 1 bill to get there LOL...Like I say I hope I'm wrong but if not BB look like they added nothing and tbh nothing is better than what they are proposing and should expect some backlash for their "New Levels"...

    Is this just a way to shup up level 75 players for another 6/12 months?

    Do they think grinding another 1 billion for no reason is what the players want?

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheethamhill View Post
    Do they think grinding another 1 billion for no reason is what the players want?
    Its irrelevant what players want, whats relevant is it will keep some mindless grinders playing.

    Also even if they did introduce new content for 75+, its essentially worthless since vast majority of players will never reach those levels anyway.

    for another 6/12 months
    Last edited by sparkz; 30.11.19 at 07:08.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    in absentia
    I feel the same - pointless grinding of adventures just to change a number... There seems no incentive. In fact just seeing the green bar barely move from week to week will have the opposite effect for me, no motivation to continue playing, especially losing the star coins.

    Perhaps making it an extra 25 levels but REDUCE the amount of xp required between the levels would be more inspiring...

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    The best thing BB have done of late is to introduce the tributes. I was happy to do 50 grain conflicts, or 20 storm recovery to manage the achievement but that is very different to doing the same small family of adventures thousands of times day in/day out. I have always said I am not chasing level 75/80/100 or whatever they come up with, I play for the enjoyment of some chat, doing a few adventures etc and not the constant grinding of adventures to chase xp. I feel for those who have been banging away heading for 75 and then see the finishing line moved to double the distance. Sadly BB seem to have little grasp of what actually motivates people to pres the 'login' button. New content is great - new adventures, new short sharp challenges - are great. New generals, explorers, geologists and even buildings contribute very little. The idea of 2/3/4/5 billion xp ahead will push many, who want to reach the top level, out of the door.

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Feb 2012
    Can't upgrade endless mines to lvl7, only normal ones, no thanks!

  6. #6
    Quartermaster Elco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve1077 View Post
    Can't upgrade endless mines to lvl7, only normal ones, no thanks!
    Best way to give BB some (potentially uselful, although it will probably be ignored yet again) feedback about the xmas event's latest feats, is to leave your comments in the forum of the test server.
    It is otherwise pointless talking here about something happening elsewhere.

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    May 2012
    I'm level 71, I gave up, just waiting the say of game to be dead.

    Take forever to level and there is no reason to level in anyway.

    Level 80 is a big mistake
    Hello People

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheVictorious View Post
    I'm level 71, I gave up, just waiting the say of game to be dead.

    Take forever to level and there is no reason to level in anyway.

    Level 80 is a big mistake
    It's not a mistake I am level 73 almost 74 I am gutted they moved the levels up was looking forward to building up starcoins i use thousands per week ..but even i wouldnt say it was a mistake its not the games fault we level at a slow pace ..nice to see so much being added its just the fact so much of is gem based that bothers me

  9. #9
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    its not the games fault we level at a slow pace
    Its precisely the games fault scaling is what it is.

    Ironically enough if everyone decided on doing adventures to level up quicker, it would actually slow down the progression of top players, because the content you can do to level up optimally is very limited due to RNG and overall adventure scaling vs XP requirements.

  10. #10
    Keen Commentor
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    Dec 2012
    Maybe BB could introduce some way of gaining big XP that doesn't involve the current style of endless addie grinding.
    Since it's supposed to be a 'settlement management' game how about giving us some settling or economy based adventures to do, anything that doesn't involve endless repetitive fighting
    At least give players the option of how they can progress, economically or militarily

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