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Thread: [Guide] Efficient Building Placement

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    [Guide] Efficient Building Placement

    Hey there.

    I recently started spending some time on the settlers online. At the start of the game I was wondering how to place my buildings. I tried to look up tutorials on youtube or the forums, but apparently these tutorials did not exist.

    This made me go into theorycraft mode and I've decided to make my own tutorial.

    What I've seen a lot of people do is just randomly place their buildings. Which can be devastating to your daily production.

    I will be doing a couple of tutorials. (they should be quite self explanatory)

    The 2nd and 3th video should be the most interesting to most of the players. The later videos go into more specific details (Wood Production, Copper Production etc.) with usefull tips and examples.

    Tutorial 1: Production Time Calculation

    This video will show how the production time of workshops is calculated. It's pretty basic and a lot of people will allready have found this out by themselves. I'd advise these people to skip to the 2nd video.

    Tutorial 2: Efficient Building Placement

    This video will show how to efficiently place buildings on the map in general. And give examples that everyone can use as soon as they have acces to a storehouse. Which should be possible within a day if I'm correct. It also includes some other general tips.

    Tutorial 3: Production Chaining, Where to Place Which Building

    This video will show you where to place which building from the production chains. Follow this guide and you'll never suffer from over or underproduction of by themselves useless goods like grain, wood logs or ores.

    Tutorial 4: Resource Collector Production Time

    This explains the three categories of Resource Collectors. It is probably very unentertaining, but it's a necessary step to have a full understanding of how to make an efficient production chain that involves resource collection. Good news it's only 2 minutes. :P

    Tutorial 5: Optimizing Wood Production

    This tutorial explains how to optimize your wood production. I will also show you some examples of efficient woodcutter placement and workshops. Also don't hesitate to post your own efficient woodcutter placement! Enjoy.

    Tutorial 6: Optimizing Copper Production

    This tutorial will give you some guidelines on how to set up your copper production chain. Also a choice is offered between having 3 and 6 copper mines, which advantages and disadvantages.

    Update: (New Video)

    Tutorial 7: Optimizing Grain Production

    This tutorial will give you an introduction on grain production chains.

    Tutorial 8: Optimizing Stone/Marble Production

    This tutorial will mainly focus on giving examples of where you can place your stone/marble production.

    Please tell me if you found it helpfull or if you found it not helpfull also feel free to say so. I'm all open to discussions. I see this more as a way to start a discussion on how to place buildings.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Also if you want to know when new tutorials are released, it's probably the easiest to subscribe to the youtube channel. I will only post Settlers Online Tutorials on this channel.
    Last edited by Sagesmurf; 07.02.12 at 14:12.

  2. #2
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Also be sure to check out this awesome map made by Dynuel!

    Last edited by Sagesmurf; 21.06.12 at 06:55.

  3. #3
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Nicely explained Sagesmurf, i see many people just throw things down as well, i guess some just don't care :P. anyway ive been using the normal square placement seeing i didn't theocraft times from the start for 100% optimization, either way it's only seconds of profit in the end i guess. In the future we can move buildings so i'll optimize it then haha.

  4. #4
    Original Serf nufrix's Avatar
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    Pilsen (Czech Rep.)
    These tutorials look very promising and very good. But when I build buildings, I have another rules. I always build buildings, which are related to each other, in one area. What I mean is that players should have special areas for wood, for producing bread and beer ond so on. First of all, it is easier to manage these buildings and second of all, it looks pretty damn good, when you have windmill next to many farms and the smell of fresh bread is everywhere or an area filled with wood cutters, sawmills and foresters This is what I mean:

    You can also make tutorials about good and bad building strategies, e.g. a lot of people do not know, that the actual time (without traveling) to produce one piece of wood is 1min30s, but actual time to produce one piece of tree is 2min15s. This means that you have to have more foresters than wood cutters. And so on. My point is, that players should do a little math and calculate how much of what they produce. You can make tutorials about that

  5. #5
    Skilled Student e92Sz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Nicely explained ! Good job Carry On ! I hope to see more of your work.

  6. #6
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Oh My God, it's magical!


    Thanks for the great guide, did not know there was this much focus needed on production time. Even if you can only shave off mere seconds, within days, weeks, even months, think about all the 'free' recources you would get from it.

    Great guide!

  7. #7
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    He guys, as I was messing around myself with this great idea, I found this really good spot in the left most part of sector 6, near the river.

    While I was applying my brilliant Microsoft Paint skillz, I did found out however, that there is an even more efficient place to put your store house.

    The first suggestion:

    I'll upload the second (even more efficient one) in a sec.


    Here is the second try:


    In my enthousiasm for efficiency, I made a grave mistake. The bottom 4 '8s' are ofcourse '12s'. And the '12s' in the middle is '16s'.

    Last edited by RubendePuben; 18.01.12 at 01:56.

  8. #8
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sagesmurf View Post
    Hey there.

    I recently started spending some time on the settlers online. At the start of the game I was wondering how to place my buildings. I tried to look up tutorials on youtube or the forums, but apparently these tutorials did nog exist.
    I do exist, honest.

  9. #9
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Hey guys, it's cool to see your positive reactions. Also cool to see that some people allready started experimenting with building patterns.

    I've released a new tutorial today, which basically is about "Where to place Which Building". Be sure to check it out!
    Last edited by Sagesmurf; 18.01.12 at 12:17.

  10. #10
    Original Serf
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Nogbad View Post
    I do exist, honest.
    Haha I corrected it. Quite a coincedence I guess, lol.

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