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Thread: [Feedback] Game thoughts and feedback

  1. #1
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
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    [Feedback] Game thoughts and feedback

    Hello guys,

    Please use this general thread to discuss your thoughts and feelings about the game.

    This is not a place to troll, to bash or to flame, please remain constructive and polite.

    Thank you

    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

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  2. #2
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe

    it would be helpful to us all if this could be clarified publicly, and in clearer and more appropriate terms than TheFreeDictionary's definition of "function".

    Community spirit is suffering not because some fairly dedicated players are being less than chipper in public instead of just in Guild chat and Whisper but because there are problems and people are frustrated, repeatedly closing off avenues for 'negative feedback' only adds to this frustration particularly when a primary complaint is people consistently feeling either ignored or shut down already. Being shunted to posts that simply do not address the currrent concerns and told "Blue Byte are aware of current bugs within the game":
    when there is precious little evidence to support that does nothing to alleviate these feelings.

    As pleasant as it would be if everyone Googled "How to give negative feedback" and followed the suggestions to the letter there will be times when irritation wins and posts may veer toward venting rather than a nice tidy clinical assesment followed by a pat on the back, these posts can still be helpful and if read correctly and with an open mind they may even serve a function.

    Should things stray to far toward 'flaming' a simple reminder that civility goes over better than a capitalised rant and name calling will often calm things down and when truly offensive posts can be [censored] or the author asked to rephrase there is rarely a real need to go so far as to lock an entire thread.

    So instead of wantonly closing threads it seems to me players, game, and staff would all be better served if our reasonable complaints and and numerous suggestions, almost all of which are written with the hope (though we may have different ways of expressing it) of improving the game and the overall TSO experience, were acknowledged for what they are at the core; the expressions of people who do like, and want very much to keep liking, the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Dantesama View Post

    You are absolutely right,

    We will never close a thread unless it is completely necessary: double threads, flaming threads and off topic for example.
    If members/players feel this is completely unjustified or feel that it is too much then we will be more careful and revise our strategy.
    We are and have been in the process of tweaking on how information is provided.
    I do believe that everything is intertwined, flow of communication-> reassurance->less complaints.
    It's getting there but these things take time unfortunately

    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe View Post
    Thank you Dantesama, I do think improving the flow of information on both sides can only benefit the game and everyone who spends time with it, less than stellar reviews from players with good reason to be unhappy may not be the easiest things to read but they can be very useful, it's good to know there is room for them.


    is also a good start but there is at least one step (and an amendment) missing, to work well it really should read:

    communication-> *specific information and/or reassurance -> *timely and appropriate action -> less complaints.

    Reassurance may not always be possible but information is usually available and can go a long way toward keeping people, if not gleeful, at least tolerant of delays.

    Feedback on our feedback would also be a help, if players know specifically (as much as possible) the problems actually being worked on we may be able to narrow the information we provide instead of just reporting the same thing over and over and over and getting more annoyed each time we're told, if we're told, "BB know..." and "We have no Guild Quests." x1000 can become: "This is what was happening (or not happening or "We can find absolutely nothing we've done that's unusual or different.") just before the Quests *vanished*."

    Here's hoping the current adjustments to the flow of info apply to all The Powers That Be, this of course includes MODs, BBs, Support, and the always invisible Devs, as well as Players. The better and more smoothly this functions the better the game will be and the more pleasant the lives of everyone who spend time with TSO, Players and "Powers" alike.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rendor View Post
    Sorry, but I for one do not accept that threads have only been closed due to the reasons stated, I can think of a couple that have been deemed "unhelpful" and shut down ... ie they criticized, fairly IMO, the "powers that be". Closing down critical threads may well be easier than dealing with the issues raised, but ignoring these issues is just increasing the frustration for players who have frankly had enough and are being denied an avenue to openly discuss the perceived failings of BB.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    Thank you Dante, as mentioned in another thread, I have been concerned at a trend towards "over-zealous" closure of topics, and I wonder if some forum maintainers know, or have the facility, to move threads to their correct place.
    I'm all for editing out abusive or trolling comments, but I'd rather they didn't cause the suppression of an otherwise constructive discussion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe View Post
    I've just tripped over this edit, I'm glad to see it and very pleased the (civil) conversation can continue here. Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Whizkeyjack View Post
    With all due respect, have you ever thought they're ignored because of the language and attitude some people apply when they're posting their concerns/complaints?
    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe View Post
    Why yes, this very thread touches on that a number of times with several responses and points of view even.
    Last edited by BB_Dantesama; 15.02.13 at 16:54.
    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

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  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    IMO the main focus in development should be to have at least 1 advancement route opened for post 50 advancement. The wasted xp on adventures and lack of goals leads to people signing off and if it takes too long, they will not return to the game due to filling the time with other activities/games

    Possibilities that can be considered imo are:
    1) Open the lvl 50 xp bar so people do not waste the xp from adventures but can be ready to level to lvl 51 when it is implemented with 1 additional xp point. As the xp needed for lvl 51 is most likely a very high number, this would "gain" development a lot of time for finishing the post 50 levels eyc
    2) Finish/deploy alternate advancement with introduction of science or research or something similar
    3) Push harder to finish off developing levels post 50

    The other main issue in game is use/need for high end resources and high end production. At the moment anything past cavalry is on the whole (almost) pointless to produce. Items like crossbows, cannon, damascene swords on the whole are easy to get from adventures and hardly get consumed in adventures. Hence market value of these items is around 10% of the cost of the resources. This makes building of the production chains and producing these items pointless. High end resources that are the `victim` of this are saltpeter and titanium, which are relatively worthless and buildings that are relatively worthless to build are cannon forge, titanium smelter, carpenter, wheelmaker, crossbow smith, damascene smith. It is actually too sad that so many high end items are woorth less than bronze weaponsmith in real term values.

    Possible solutions
    a) Implement adventures where you need to sacrifice the high end items
    b) remove high end weapons from the loot rewards and replace these with resources needed to produce these items
    c) Rework adventures so that the adventure tiers/difficulty versus level also impacts the loot rewards or restrict adventures to a max level as well as a min level (so easy adventures can not be done by high end players)
    d) make production of the high end items cheaper so there is more of an economic logic in using these troops instead of bronze based recruits
    e) Make high end weapons not tradable so people need to farm em or make em themselves

    All in all, high end production needs to make sense/be viable, not something you do for flavor or 1 quest

    With reaching limits of the current lvl 50 game- it starts being necessary to look for more space on the islands- esp in a post lvl 50 environment. Floating housing is a start, but it might be needed to expand this. Although at this moment in time, there is no urgent need and some limitations on amount of buildings is not a bad thing. But if new buildings are implemented for new productionchains/research/science etc, there will most definitely be a need

  4. #4
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    Agree with all Qualan said above.

    Whilst I complain about the L50 cap creating a lot of problems for high level players regarding maintaining enthusiasm the comments about weapons and high value buildings is especially true.

    I have made the high value buildings to do the quests but since then they have remained switched off - well apart from the Gunpowder Maker and Titanium Smelter both of which I am happy to leave running unbuffed as I have so much saltpeter and titanium ore.

    For me it would be good to know BB are working on the increase to the L50 cap, I assume the delay is due to wanting to introduce sciences (and maybe PvP) at the same time but so far we have had failed promises to deliver with indicative releases and no further info. I would at least like to see BB propose a timeline better than 'sometime in 2013' and give us some assurances that work is ongoing. I wouldn't even mind if BB said 'we are working hard on the new Levels and sciences but we are having problems'. At least then we would have an indication that people are working on it and not focusing all the attention on other areas.

  5. #5
    Skilled Student Lord_dragonito's Avatar
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    I must say that the coinage is realy no use at all,so awfull slow that its a torture for the player.
    The coinage as the name is,realy its doing nothing,even when i put it next to the storehouse or the mine.
    Since we cant do feedback no more i put this tread here.
    I also try to folow the guides here and...well to be honnest it no use,no matter how we put the buildings.
    I am sorry to say but im thinking of stopping here at settlers online.

    Sorry for the bad feedback

    [ Post moved ]

    This seems like the right thread for it!

    Last edited by peck_ed; 16.02.13 at 20:55.
    Greetings from Lord_dragonito

  6. #6
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    New Adventure?

    As there isn't a thread on a recent maintenance update, can I please ask if we're getting the new adventure "The Lost Skull" in this week's update, as it's appearing on German and French notices?
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Rather than give a big list of stuff I would like to see, ill just say:

    - updates and bug fixes are far too slow, its almost like the game is being programmed by just one person.
    - very little feedback other than coming soon™ or wait and see™

    I am glad trade is being given its own tab though.

  8. #8
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer BB_Dantesama's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    New Adventure?

    As there isn't a thread on a recent maintenance update, can I please ask if we're getting the new adventure "The Lost Skull" in this week's update, as it's appearing on German and French notices?
    Hello Nogbab,

    The adventure "The Lost Skull" was confirmed a while ago right here .



    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

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  9. #9
    Nifty Lazy_Fruitbat's Avatar
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    I understand the pressure for new and better stuff.I would love a load of new adventures.Tbh i would wait if problems were fixed and the information about problem were in black and white.No companys want to say oops we have a problem but players i feel would rather have open information and X problem needs sorted, it will result in X amount of downtime and the problem is fixed and does not reappear.Also the lenght of time for problems to get acted on.

    I think a better bug reporting feature,support can be a bit hit or miss,if you did a poll you would find some get great results and other's feel like they are hitting thier head adjust a brick wall.I still think the login page is the best place to place information as all players will see.Easy to say "We have see an increase of X bug getting reported, have you had this problem.Then more people will hopeful get involved as a lot of people never chat in G1 or even look at the forums.

    If you want a better idea on feed back why not email all user's with this link and try get them involved.It would increase the feed back which is a good thing as it will give you a better idea on more players thought.Even put a hyper link on facebook.The more input you get , will give you a better idea whats direction to go in
    Last edited by Lazy_Fruitbat; 18.02.13 at 22:43. Reason: An extra bit add

  10. #10
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Aug 2012
    My feelings about this game are somewhat mixed. So far it has been an enjoyable experience (am lvl 46) but as many other stress... there are some things which need to change:

    Some adventures need to be made more attractive to play: Sons of the Veld, Secluded Experiments for example. Only played Sons once and guess what? it was enough seeing the poor loot and major loses. Won't play it again if it doesn't get changed. Same goes for SE

    High end weapons are pointless to produce or sell on trade, someone posted the reasons above.

    Lag often results in failed attacks and major losses of troops with large adventures which lead to frustrations.

    Last but not least... content nonexisting past lvl 50 is a major downside. From lvl 32 i found myself grinding the same adventures on a daily basis but if that is the case at lvl 50 as well then my joy will be no joy.

    On the good side i want to point out that events are great. Since I started playing, I took part in Halloween, End of the World, Xmas and soon Easter. I find these events to be awesome and make for a much needed distraction from the daily routine in the game.

    As for bug fixing/information related to changes/updates and so on, I think there is some improvement that can be done in this area.


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