Quote Originally Posted by Jim_B View Post
First of all - the issue is not that RoA or Assassins have been nerfed. They still get lootkills. If you read the other thread it seems the issue here is that if another spotter uses a buff to get a kill, the pop up message and the message in your news feed gives the impression that it was your buff that did it.
In fact, I realized that my issue wasn't that RoA doesn't result in lootkills but that the game has a clear bug, which isn't "getting loot from RoA" but much rather "The game SAYS, ad verbatim, that you used RoA and got kills - when in fact, you didn't".
So, that one is clearly a bug damaging players not a bug benefitting players, but hey - who's to say that bugs which hurt players need fixing?
In any case, the entire discussion about whether RoA "got fixed to not deliver loot" is moot, because it didn't get neutered.

However, the original question still is in the room: Does Bluebyte call any feature which makes the game more enjoyable a "bug" and intend to remove it?
Is this the strategy?
Wouldn't it make more sense that even if this were an unintended side effect of an implementation, to condone and appreciate it for the positive effects on the community?

But I'd still like an official word on whether someone is gonna one day get back at us for "bug abuse" when we use a feature that's been in the game, and, as it was said when Ranged Support got the Nerf bat, "is being closely monitored" - but never ever has a word been uttered on whether there was any bug abuse involved?