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Thread: [Feedback] Christmas Event Calendar Reward

  1. #11
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Dorotheus, this has already created bad blood between players, too late. BB handled this very badly.
    Last edited by AstaBridget; 06.01.16 at 18:32.

  2. #12
      Treasure Hunter
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    Apr 2012
    "What happens to players who claimed the main calendar reward multiple times?
    We don’t want to assume ill-will on anyone’s part, considering that many may have accidentally redeemed the reward several times. Therefore the buildings may be kept, built and traded."

    lmao ACCIDENTALLY receved last gift multiple times...are u having as laugh bb_ravel....this is the funniest thing i ever see you write!.....
    no one accidentally clicks last box 5 times or

    what u actually mean is as the gingerbread house not cost gems bb dont give a monkey where as last year the imp store were gem item and could effect bb

    so all players can basically cheat as long as it dont hurt bb;s gem sales....this is what i take from this .....

  3. #13
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    It's a very difficult situation. It doesn't matter what BB decided, it would alienate a large portion of the community either way.

    The only thing we can do is play fair in the future and hope BB plays fair with us if this sort of fiasco happens again.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  4. #14
    Original Serf
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    Jul 2015
    We can also leave the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tierarzt View Post
    It's a very difficult situation. It doesn't matter what BB decided, it would alienate a large portion of the community either way.

    The only thing we can do is play fair in the future and hope BB plays fair with us if this sort of fiasco happens again.

  5. #15
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    What a load of <fill in what you like>

    How can you condone a two tier reward system and even whitewash multiple claims beyond the 1 extra some got and leave the rest of the community that didn't know or didn't try to use this bug with empty hands- It cant be true that honesty gets punished with a weaker position/progression

    I realize that the fix for this exact same bug in the past - ironic how they always seem to return time and time again- was a lot easier as the storehouses couldnt be traded and only 1 per player was possible at the time of the bug so a wipe of all extras was easy and wouldnt hit honest players

    with the surprise box having the same reward there is no quick fix- so the easy option is choses- the issue will not be corrected and a large part of the playerbase is relatively disadvantaged to the tune of 100000 coin- which for a lot of players is a lot of easier play/investments/lootspots etc to be gotten to make their playtime easier/more enjoyable

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    It has to be said that after the farce that BB created the last time they delivered code that allowed an exploit on the calendar reward you would have expected them not to repeat the same mistakes so from a quality control perspective this is abysmal.

    Since they did repeat the same mistakes I would expect them to resolve the issue in the same manner. They havent and that sucks as its double standards. The only conclusion I can come up with is that the playing community is getting smaller and BB dont want to ban more players and thereby reduce their playing community further.

    I say that BB should grow a pair and treat people fairly and consistently. Shame on BB for not doing so, but gratz to those players that did manage to improve their island by getting additional high value content for no effort / cost and I hope that if a lower level player and you sold yours, you got a decent amount of coins / resources for it and didn't sell to cheaply.

  7. #17
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    This would be a very difficult thing for BB to resolve since so much has happened since then. An outright ban I'm not sure would be fair because it's possible (cough) that for a few it was an accident?

    What stuns me is how many apparently intentionally exploited this, which is nothing but cheating, and I couldn't sleep at night if I did things that way. Pride comes from accomplishment through staying within the rules, not doing something which you know perfectly well was not the intent of the event. Shame on those who did.

    It never would have crossed my mind to try, and once I heard about it I wasn't going to do it then either. It would just feel wrong.

    Hopefully it won't happen again and I don't think there's much anyone can do about it now.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  8. #18
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    On the last day a lot of people did not find their final reward from their star menu because they were expecting to find the reward buildings under misc tab and not under buffs as a box. Some asked help in chat (global/help tab) and some not, some did the classic "refresh to fix" their own or by suggesting from chat which did reset the claim status so it was easy for multiple people to get at least one extra by mistake. Some just logged to the game after hours and wondered why the reward was unclaimed so they clicked it again. Anyways one extra click was easy by mistake, maybe even multiple because the confusion where the reward went.

    AFAIK BB has detailed log of each claimed reward with timestamps to see how many each player got and what was the behavior (like did someone do it 3-10 times in short time on purpose) just like they had last time.

    Generally it's a hard situation for BB and players to get things balanced. I see that it would be more fair for all players that everyone who only got one box would get another one as gift from BB to even it out. Those who got three or more would have to return the extra same way as with the improved storehouse incident. Some of the people getting a 2nd one as gift would probably sell theirs anyways so there would be a chance for multiboxers to buy the sold ones back some way.

    Maybe the improved storehouse thing caused too much financial losses in terms of scripts, support time or etc. and they gave up and decided to let everyone keep the extra? Quote from previous case:

    Since we want players to demonstrate Fair Play and respect the “Terms Of Use”, we ask all players who redeemed 4 or more Improved Storehouses to put them back into the Star menu. They will be deleted from the Star menu during the next maintenance on the 22nd of July.
    What happened to fair play or terms of use this time? What will happen next time when the calendar is bugged again? everyone will get as many extra they can cause they might know the history of previous cases?

    Note: I personally got one extra box.
    Last edited by Mannerheim; 06.01.16 at 20:40.

  9. #19
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AstaBridget View Post
    Dorotheus, this has already created bad blood between players, too late. BB handled this very badly.
    They hanged themselves through inconsistency the first two times this bug occurred (and over the Parrot exploit too).
    Best solution has got to be quality control over what is released into the Live game, and if TSO-Testing is to serve any useful purpose beyond being a cost-free playground, then somebody competent needs to take charge of that too. A lot of us could not even test the Xmas stuff until too late as we were still locked out by the Halloweeen Event bug and it needed an account wipe before we could get back in despite numerous reports on the forum. The lack of response to any feedback has sadly become 'standard' and in one case the deliberate burial of bug reports.

    BB-Ravel, now we have this announcement I will p/m some details in the vain hope that the Devs might pull their finger out and stop repeating past mistakes, although previous experience doesn't fill me with hope.

    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  10. #20
    Jolly Advisor ViliusV's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Omg guys only bad feedbacks. Its done was mistake i dont say that BB made best desicion they could give ppl one more extra gingerhouse who didnt get. But still what is that extra gingerhouse its as someone said 100k coins and what is 100k coins these days? 20k granite? or 2 FT ls? it drop in the sea... even if that would be 1mln its nothing when you calculate how much money you need in this game even that little boost wont do any big progress... Abit sad that not everyone had 2 gingerhouse but dont worry in two weeks you will forget it. And for those who got multi times well i dont think that there was many guys who did like this and even so i guess it will stay on they island cuz these days population is needed alot. If we think like two years ago when 1 of 5 gem box was giving FM and now 1 of 100 so we have really had times to get population buildings.
    For BB i offer give some adv for players who didnt get extra ginger house if its posible if no so try not make same mistake in future. Peace.

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