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Thread: Women's Day Gifts

  1. #1
    Architect of the Empire
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Women's Day Gifts

    Given that the same objections are raised on various instances every time only-flowers are sent on Women's Day (This year's German thread is currently at 8 pages of discussion) it seems useful to consider altering the gifts rather than shutting down the conversation.

    Here are some examples of gifts on other days:

    Women's Day has been the only set that's Purely Decorative, and while flowers are nice it really does seem to miss the point. Also worth noting is how a little thought regarding theme has been used for other days.

    So, some quick suggestions:

    Manuscript, Tools, Mother Tree Ritual Buff, Flowers

    Manuscript, Coins, Employee of the Month Badge Buffs, Flowers

    Flowers are a common gift in many countries, and they're nice to receive no matter one's chromosomes, but as the only item... That is a bit weird, even if kindly meant.
    Last edited by MOD_PennyUK; 10.03.16 at 15:53.

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    How about a vase added to the flowers?
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    It just won't stop, will it.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    How's about no gift at all? Simples.

    Mother's Day is in fact Mothering Sunday in the UK, this being the day Christians would go back to their mother church etc. I can remember, as a 5/6 year old that in the morning service we all wandered up to the front to collect small posies of flowers to give to our mothers. I am now a devout non church goer so really cannot see the reason for all the fuss.

  5. #5
    Keen Commentor Urgh123's Avatar
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    At first i thought it's just a bad joke and something else will follow in addition to the 4 flowers, and those appeared to be only the blue ones, read: lowest quality. Have we really fell so low ?
    If it was a mixture of let's say 1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow and 1 vase it would look much nicer, esp. because Women's day is celebrated when various flowers are already naturally here after the winter.
    However, my rate for this year's gift is a big bold -4. I don't think anyone with any sense of taste in real world would go that low to gift something like we've seen, and as an aftereffect we have a flood of blue flowers on trade office, that's one sad picture...
    Last edited by Urgh123; 10.03.16 at 22:49.

  6. #6
    Jolly Advisor Alsh's Avatar
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    I have trouble taking these whinges seriously. BB didn't HAVE to mark the day at all and it's respect to them for doing so. And flowers? Sure, there are more useful gifts but what on earth is wrong with flowers? Did you notice that they were given to players of both genders? You should be grateful for the FREE gift, in a FREE game that recognises the day for it's importance- most other games would let the day go by unacknowledged.

    Maybe next year BB shouldn't give anything free at all- would that make you happy? No, because some just love a moan....

    As for the colour? I don't think it matters. Even if they are planted on the island, many players won't see them from up there in their high horse.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Well said that Man oops Woman

  8. #8
    Architect of the Empire
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    Jun 2012
    Hey lordloocan, Mothering Sunday and other secular or religious Mother's Days, on assorted days in various countries, are different holidays. International Women's Day is March 8th and the day BB are marking on all language versions.


    Good on BB for choosing to acknowledge International Women's Day, but since they have so chosen it's really not that big a stretch to notice it's handled differently than other holidays and to suggest it be brought more in line with those days. That's actually a perfectly fitting suggestion considering the nature of the day. It's not about getting free stuff, or being ungrateful, it's not about women being "admired" or about opening doors for our nearest and dearest or whether Mrs. NextDoor earns more than Mr. NextDoor. It's an International Day, focused on a global experience. That global experience still has a ways to go.

    Keep in mind it took 5 years for BB to admit a girl to the Boy's Club that is the star menu, tweaking the gifts to help carry on that step is in no way outrageous and it seems likely the coding would be simpler.

    No-one's said there's anything wrong with flowers Alsh, in fact I said the opposite. And of course BB could simply switch and do something like this:

    But that also seems rather to miss the point and be "a bit weird."

    Of the posts so far in this thread only two are *grunting* or CAPSing, not a whole lot of whinging going on. Wherever the conversation falls in each of our personal comfort zones it's one worth having and, just a game or elsewhere, one worth having with minimal dismissiveness and snark. That really shouldn't be that much to ask. If people absolutely adore only-flowers, cool beans. If anyone has other ideas, also cool.

    Must go now and try to get island flowers to grow in island vases. (If there were only an International Florist's Day! )
    Last edited by Iolanthe; 11.03.16 at 03:31. Reason: Odd image hiccup, fixed.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    The sad thing is that we even need to have an International Women's Day and an International Men's Day, we are all one species and the sooner we acknowledge that the sooner equality will be achieved.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    The sad thing is that we even need to have an International Women's Day and an International Men's Day, we are all one species and the sooner we acknowledge that the sooner equality will be achieved.
    Speak for yourself, I'm a rat and proud of it. But do we get cheese once a year, mmmm? Rattist attitude on the part of BB!

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