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Thread: [Feedback] Sneak Peek: Co-op adventure rewards

  1. #11
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    is anything going to be done about some of the other drop rates that were heavily reduced a while ago

    isle of the pirates->motherly love
    witch of the swamp->old friends
    bandit nest->return to bandit nest

  2. #12
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Good move on the health bar.
    As regards boosting the loot on the Co-ops to make them more appealing, why not apply the same logic and restore the proper loot to adventures like Outlaws?
    We were given a choice of ways to play when the game started, then those of us who had developed our islands to produce iron swords by adventuring instead of using up space to accomodate an already overloaded iron chain got punished when you decided you only wanted us to play that way instead.
    Speaking of loot, EotW is long overdue for some loot and appropriate xp rewards.

  3. #13
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Apr 2017
    Last edited by Qaw-Paw; 08.06.18 at 05:30.

  4. #14
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    thanks for replacing health bar well done

  5. #15
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by MuffinMule View Post
    Good move on the health bar.
    As regards boosting the loot on the Co-ops to make them more appealing, why not apply the same logic and restore the proper loot to adventures like Outlaws?
    We were given a choice of ways to play when the game started, then those of us who had developed our islands to produce iron swords by adventuring instead of using up space to accomodate an already overloaded iron chain got punished when you decided you only wanted us to play that way instead.
    Speaking of loot, EotW is long overdue for some loot and appropriate xp rewards.
    It is true that some adv are done once and never again because they are not that interesting or that the loot is crabby. Cant say that outlaw fit that category. Would instead mention VtV, Wild Mary, GP, - to some extend SE. I like doing it - but the loot does in no way match the losses. Compared to etc VLT SE is a joke.
    So some balancing would be great and maybe make more use of the advs.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by t00tie View Post
    Camp health bar reverting to the old version is great news, thank you.

    I like the proposed changes to co-op loot but would like to point out some things:

    Co-ops are unpopular because the lag is almost unbearable, getting worse the more players are on the map.

    There are still issues with landing zones on WW.

    I wish there were Ali co-ops.

    SLT and BK are still the best co-ops. Yes they are, you're wrong.
    The normal multiplayer adventures are the real coops!
    Not something like Tomb Raider which is a single player adventure for 4 players which is utter nonsense! Everyone does their own thing and parts ways. No cooperation possible.
    Worst. Comedian. EVER.

  7. #17
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    Thank you for listening to the players..
    If they were actually listening to players feedback, this change would've never gotten past the test server.

    Quote Originally Posted by MuffinMule View Post
    EotW is long overdue for some loot and appropriate xp rewards.
    XP rewards are appropriate, if you clear an adventure with 1/10th the camps compared to the other one you will get 1/10th of the experience. There is no way to change that outside of :

    - increasing the xp numbers for enemy units across the board (which will affect all of the adventures utilizing the same type of units, effectively maintaining the status quo)
    - redoing the maps completely to make space for increased number of camps (which will not happen).
    Last edited by sparkz; 08.06.18 at 08:44.

  8. #18
      Town Crier
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    Would instead mention VtV, Wild Mary, GP, - to some extend SE. I like doing it - but the loot does in no way match the losses.
    Loot compared to losses is way better for VtV than for SE, largely because it is a resource adventure and so has 2 slots of Granite/ExoWood/Salt/TitOre. Actually having done the math, the loot for VtV is largely comparable to RB. You get a little less copper/coal/iron/etc. with VtV and there's no chance of a Witch Tower drop, but I haven't had one of those in RB loot for years now.

    As for the losses on VtV, with even a fraction of the number of MMAs available these days, it is possible to significantly reduce or even eliminate cavalry losses from the adventure and the 'big boss camp' in the Northeast corner can be done losing only Recruits and Bowmen if you use a Nusala sacrifice followed up with a cannon based attack.

    On the other hand, Secluded Experiments uses up considerably more troops than Victor, for comparatively little extra in the way of resources, a tiny chance of a follow up and a tiny chance of an Angel Gate. I do enjoy playing it however, and do it quite regularly. Nevertheless I can count the number of follow ups I have received on one hand and have yet to have an Angel Gate in loot. So, Victor the Vicious is way more efficient in terms of loot, in my opinion.

    Needless to say, I am glad to see the co-op loots getting some attention. I just hope this is a prelude to some of the other adventures mentioned across the forums getting some attention in this regard as well. The idea of Seasonal Adventures was a good one, but seems to be turning into little more than a 'sticking plaster' solution.

  9. #19
    Committed Clicker
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    My island
    How about changing Roaring Bull back to how it used to be before it was nerfed as well?

  10. #20
    Skilled Student
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    Aug 2012
    +1 Good idea and a step in right direction.

    * Once we sent the general, we can do nothing to speed up camp destruction, hence camp HP bar is meaningless. + the last update prevents displaying of camp setup while sending the attack. Reverting this is a good idea.
    * Loot & XP from coop Advs were poor at their launch, and not much changed ever since. I've seen a number of Whirlwinds failed, becasuse one of the players took a week-break from playing and the rest could do nothing about that.

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