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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Notes: Weekly Challenges

  1. #91
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    hi, i can not get my head around the "list of adventures" by the word list, it " is more than one, " but your developers have only put one in the list, so it is not a list,
    Can we not have a proper "list" of adventures to choose from .

  2. #92
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    As it stands now every player who elects to start one of these challenges will have at the back of their mind the worry the part way through you will drop a crisis quest leaving them effectively attempting to do two crisis quests simultaneously.
    Ahem, gonna quote the classics for truth here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    You have not been given permission to represent me.

    In fact my opinion is completely the opposite to yours, please cease this misrepresentation immediately.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  3. #93
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    Amusing that BB/Forum MOD's have failed to link all the forum threads re weekly achievements into one thread. Maybe if they did though it would show the strength of feeling too well...

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    To repeat what others have said above (and what I said elsewhere in the forum), the weekly challenges are potentially a good idea, which people can decide whether or not to do. The difficulties with the current version are two-fold.

    First, the resources required (including within some of the adventure / venture requirements) are far greater than the rewards on offer.

    Second, the adventure requirements need revising: to include 'lists' that are longer than just a single adventure (especially doing one several times); ones that can be done in the timescale; and, most of all, ones you can get hold of. I currently need three 'Heart of the Wood'... which would take 300 medium adventure searches to get!). A proper list (with more than one thing on it!), some of which you can get in the merchant, would help here.

    Challenging is fine... unachieveable is irritating.

    Finally... thank you for engaging. If some changes are made that reflect the comments above, that will be a very positive sign.

  5. #95
    Treasure Hunter
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    Feb 2014
    I haven't liked the tone of some of the complaints so I hope my comments are a bit gentler. After all TSO is 'free to play' & I sympathise with BB trying to get some money out of us so that they can continue with new developments.
    I am quite enjoying the weekly challenges but I have a couple of concerns:
    I'm retired & can spend time on TSO logging on more than once per day. I think that not enough consideration has been taken of people who are not devoted players & just want a few hours relaxation a week. Quests which are too demanding are in danger of taking over your life (c.f. Events) or putting you off altogether as impossible.
    A simple solution might be to make them less of a chain: that is the goods/production quests could be done in parallel. The ship related quests could remain sequential as they are easier. As an ex-programmer I think this approach could be implemented with less effort than a major overhaul.
    I think we all have our preferences for adventures. I don't mind doing an occasional one I'm not fond of but 3 ..... Selecting from a list as has been suggested elsewhere seems a good idea. Also occasional players may have difficulty in arranging to play 3 co-ops.
    Finally, I'm 'high level' & my population is large enough & no longer a concern. The tokens are not much of an incentive. I do like the xp though!

  6. #96
    Town Councillor
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfAsH View Post
    Perhaps letting some tokens be reward in the subquests would make WC considerable fair enough to "approach"..
    Best idea so far.
    And plus my idea of having a choice which difficulty WC I run.

    As BB_Alex says WC are for very active players. So I could ignore it just on this charge as i'm not one.

    I got my 60 token gift, but will not use it. The whole system is so out of balance that the best thing for now seems to completely ignore it, as if it did not exist at all. Just take the amount of token needed to upgrade buildings compared to what you get for how huge amount of resources. BB_Alex, I think you completely ruined potentially very interesting feature. But then again, your "catch up" statement makes it clear that it is exclusive feature even for that minority of super-active players, so no surprise that the rest of us are not happy with it. So now you can sit down to your drawing board again (obviously after you fix all the bugs) and design some nice challenges for us normal folks also.
    Last edited by Norton_C; 25.11.18 at 01:02.

  7. #97
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    As this only provides Population, i see it as the most optional quest(s) it could be.

    Nonetheless I really do not understand the current obsession with grabbing the perceived mountains of resources. You do understand that not ALL players have amassed huge amounts of resources? And why does it matter anyway? Been here for 4 years? Well yep you might have a few million pine logs then. Who cares?

    Further I find it mind blowing that you would target large numbers of slow to build elite troops to complete quests. Presumably this is linked with the for gems barrack boosting buildings. So i would imagine the net result is players who lack funds are now excluded, or at least penalised as they will have to dedicate a good deal of barracks build time to this.

    Finally to have complete quests from this list (of 1 item) only demonstrates to me that this is a work in progress and was not ready. But please listen carefully. The majority of PLAYERS DO NOT LIKE CO-OPS or SCENARIOS. And it does not matter how many times you repackage them.

    Well anyway I am sure we will get a good balance and sensible outcome. Probably just after we redo the loot tables from Ali adventures.

    my 2 cents. OK be cool and have a great day

  8. #98
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Norfolk, England
    The weekly quest are a great idea but poorly implemented, managed to do the 1st but after delegating 300 mounted marksmen & 800 swordsman to end, the new one had "delegate 300 armoured marksman & 400 knight" to start, so u now have 2 lots of delegate on quest 1 & 3, maybe random what u get out of 4 different tasks each time. That's unrealistic!

    I played the 1st crisis quest back knows when which had "find granite from old friends adv", I have to say that was way easier than what u got now! play 3 x tow (treasure of wisdom), lower levs have to play 3 x 1st thief or 3 heart of wood scenario. You do realise BB that you stated the luck element was being removed?
    This is exactly why future crisis quests were changed but now you've gone back to that original formula and beefed it up even more! Even the hordes of adv stock that people have will disappear eventually.

    Needs a revamp no matter how smug BB Alex was in his notes recently, drop the luck chance of needing a rare adv, have a list what u can choose from, put secluded experiments, sons of veld, vtv, lol, all those adv we hate.

    I can see the reason behind it, players with full isles etc, great way to add extra pop so your giving the chance to earn it with some very hard weekly quests. but this is not end game material, its available to all levels. Come up with some changes to it or risk players leaving.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I understand why you have put resource quests in the weekly challenge, however I do feel that its very intensive and expensive. I know someone else in Northisle who is level 71 and is refusing to do the weekly challenges as he gets the same or similar quests from the pathfinder, understandable reallly. Would it be possible to reduce the resource intensity to an easier handled amount?

  10. #100
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MutantKid View Post
    have a list what u can choose from, put secluded experiments, sons of veld, vtv, lol, all those adv we hate.
    I hope you are not suggesting these adventures for level 56+.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

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