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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Xmas Event 2018

  1. #101
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I really liked the extra activities, but you could have done more stuff in terms of daily activities to get us through the weeks that maybe included the market. Like a daily production quest that gives you a reward if you do every day. Like ducks and fake presents. Perhaps a global target?

    I actually thought I'd hate the christmas market, but i now love it. It's my favourite. And i can't wait to build a joined up network and build up my existing one this year.

    I also love the new geologist and the explorer. Top shelf effort there!!!

  2. #102
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Overall a very nice event and i like the idea that you need to make a choice of items from merchant and with some really great new items this year. I also appreciate that you dont have to run through a lot of addys to get enough event currencies.


    * Xmas market - fully upgraded and with the right location it can cover 30 workshops with a 300% buff with a simple click - and the price for triggering the buff is very cheap. Used to the full extend it will save you 7.3k stadium snacks during a 1 year period. Absolutely worthwhile.

    * Mary: Very useful with this general which you can use for many purposes: boosting xp, - but also with the right skill sets can boost your generation of star coins and free recruits.

    * Ginger storage: Very useful for replacing existing old storage buildings and freeing up licenses. Great that it gives an instant 18k storage capacity. Also makes it much easier to re-arrange your buildings on the island.

    * Explorerer: Always good with more of them

    * Geo: Very useful for boosting the deposits not covered by iron-/and stone geo.

    Other comments:

    * Ginger houses: With the new weekly challenge where its possible to upgrade other residential buildings the value of ginger houses has declined - which was not reflected in the merchant and should have been rebalanced. An indication of this was that it was significant cheaper to get the ginger houses in the trade office. Many players reduced their stock of them.

    * Gift tree: Before deciding whether to acquire the gift tree i made a small analysis of the value drops (based on dev. diary) as follows:

    a value drop of 8 -9 per year was not sufficiently appealing to acquire the tree in my opinion.


    X-mas market: 2 things which i believe would really improve the xmas market - also for more casual players: the buffing time of 12h -> 24h which would allow players to take advantage even if they login once a day. Once cooldown expires - and buffs still active - should work like guides - start a new 12/24h buffing period when clicking.

    Introducing some quests/addies for newer players - could be level determined fx. below level 50. to allow them to get more event resources. newer players dont have the benefit of an army of explorerers and many might have extra need for event resources - fx. for rarity provision house and recipies. which older player dont need. I believe its important to sustain newer players. This was actually handled very fine in the anniversary event,

    Thank you BB and happy new year.

  3. #103
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    Not a great one for me, I don't understand how some people on here gain enjoyment from others not getting what they want.

    Xmas market - when you know how it works then it's quite good, but I think it would have been better if it had not been available for presents (so you just get one from questline, cooldown reduced to 10.5hr by default) and if the upgrades had been tied to achievements like the other events, at least that way you have not lost a huge quantity of resources (10k+ presents) if you accidentally knock it down. It would also have kept the present availability a bit more new player friendly.

    Gift Tree - I got this because of the low chance of getting a codex from it, but its very poorly designed and implemented, it needs a visible cooldown, a working interface and maybe some kind of bad luck protection to stop it from basically being an expensive leather producer.

    The rest of the stuff I am ok with.

    The event is very unfriendly for low level/new players, it pretty much requires to have years worth of extra explorers or paid for ones to get useful stuff from it.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    For me it was very stressfull event. Luckily I prepared myself for trading stuff for presents, otherwise I couldnt buy almost anything.
    I have no idea how low level and new players managed through this event.

    Expanding market costs tons of presents. only handful of presents available through event.

    Merchant was really good stuffed, but normal people with normal jobs probably couldnt buy much. Next time make more presents available through adventures, or make more quest chains.

  5. #105
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    nice relaxing event, mostly nice rewards.

    Bad mechanics on the Xmas tree - just poor effort from BB
    Hit & miss accuracy on the Xmas market buff - click x4, reverts to x1 for no reason and cannot adjust until after the cooldown =huge let down

    This is the last feedback I ever give, as it is my most honest opinion the game wont be here next xmas
    Last edited by Thejollyone; 10.01.19 at 19:16.

  6. #106
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    A nice conclusion of pretty much demanding year (5 events!).

    + I liked the new chain quest, adventures (Ribbit) and buffs
    + Market - Amazing if you spend tons of gold on upgrades and repositioning the buildings. Without this its just "medicore", I think (oh, please fix bugs, add override weaker buffs).
    + New Explorer & Geologists - very useful
    + More Coal manufactories (I always end up needing more coal)
    + Event Calendar - always welcome
    + Christmas-themed decorations and skins. Useless? Maybe. Fun? Yes!

    Not bad:
    ? Christmas Tree - I think I missed one of the gift collections... Not fun. Also a bit difficult to tell its actual usefulness.
    ? Smelter buff - situational
    ? Gingerbread storage - I think it's somewhere between regular storage lvl6 and Halloween. I would love to see an extra winter expansion island for all those winter-themed buildings in one place + iron deposit for arctic mine

    Not fun:
    - present gifts - used to be useful 4 years ago. A bit outdated today.
    - Bad sources of presents, As most/ all of the events, Xmass suffers from imbalance of resource income - explorers.
    Achievements? Maybe 500 total. Basket gifts? 50-70 total. Chain quests? IDK, maybe 1000 total? Daily quests? 10 * 21days (*2 premium) = 450 Total. Adventures (70+80+90) * 2 (*1.5 premium) = approx 750. Explorers 100/ 500 / maybe even 1000 _every_day_ (depending on number of explorers).
    - Achievements - One new(?). The remaining are the same over years

    Overall Nice job. Looking for more!

  7. #107
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I just read through a few pages of comments, some of which display considerable naivete.
    The Christmas tree - basically a novelty, it will take years of use to pay for itself which was evident to anyone who read the description thoroughly. As such, it should only have appealed to high level players or big Gem spenders, but it probably appeared to be attractive to low-level players who don't really understand that what seems expensive to them now will be throw-away resources when they have been playing for another 6 months.
    The same applies to the Christmas Market. I think many people bought it without reading or understanding the upgrade costs.

    My own view is that overall, the event is a success. Even the low level players should at least have gained one specialist (the Geo and Explorer are really valuable additions). The advent calendar offered very good gifts to help with storage and/or population. The event quests were level appropriate and reasonably challenging at least for the lower levels in the range bracket. Collectables were much better balanced than is some previous events.

    I think older players will have to get used to no longer being able to buy all of the major items available in the event shop. I think it is better to have a wider range of items available so that players can set their own goals appropriate to the time that they have available to play and their current level.

    I was surprised (and pleased) that gingerbread houses were much cheaper in the TO than they were in the event shop. On the other hand, I sympathise with those (mostly new) players who paid full price for them in the shop.

    I don't think that having presents drop in adventure loot is a good idea. The main beneficiaries from that would be high-level players or players who have a lot of spare time on their hands, and as someone else pointed out, people should really be investing their time with friends and family at Christmas.

    Finally, a few suggestions:

    - allow upgrades for the Christmas Market using normal resources (but make it very expensive to do so).
    - highlight items which would be most useful to new players, who may not be in a guild that they could get advice from. I have seen players in other events buying buildings that aren't supported by their existing infrastructure, e.g. improved farms with no silos, or bakeries with poor flour and/or water production.
    - I'm not sure if anyone has already raised bug reports, but I have seen mention that the UIs for the Christmas Market and Christmas Tree require improvement In my case, I can't close the workyard window for the Christmas Market, I have to click on a different workyard and close that one.

  8. #108
      Town Crier
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotugo View Post
    The event is very unfriendly for low level/new players, it pretty much requires to have years worth of extra explorers or paid for ones to get useful stuff from it.
    In anticipation of comments like this, which are pretty much guaranteed to crop up every Christmas, I actually started playing around with a new account on a different server shortly before the event started. On day one of the event, the account sat at level 25, with only tavern specialists, most notably the three regular explorers.

    I played through the event, giving largely minimal attention to it, except for when I activated the one day premium token you get in order to complete the 'What is Premium?' quest, during which I played through all the Christmas Spirit scenarios and Winter Wonderland adventures to maximise the presents from them.

    Other than that one day of relatively high activity, pretty much all I did was gather collectibles and send explorers twice a day, do the daily quests for presents, make baskets of presents and a minimal amount of trading which mainly consisted of swapping xmas collectibles to eek out an extra basket or two.

    I didn't upgrade the market I got from the quest line, nor did I get the second one, but it's capable of buffing 8 buildings for 12 hours a day for minimal cost, which is still useful for a mid level island.

    By the end of the event, as well as the market, I had 2 recyclers, 2 improved watermills, Mary, the RPH and a handful of recipes as well as goodies from the calendar, which is a perfectly respectable haul, especially given how comparatively little effort it required.

    People seem to forget (or are just unaware of) how some players used to post on these forums with 24/48hours of events starting with words to the effect of, 'Bought everything... bored now!'. Steps were taken to address this, firstly by preventing event resources being stashed from year to year and then with the addition of new content to purchase with presents.

    People also seem to forget that events allow us to obtain premium content without paying a premium price for it. Christmas, in particular, requires minimal effort to do so and I, for one, am thankful for the opportunity to do so. Are there faults with some of this content? Sure... most notably would be the interface for the Xmas Gift Tree, which could, undoubtedly, do with an overhaul in an upcoming update but, on the whole, I am pleased with the away this event has played out and I sincerely hope that the Christmas event never turns into an adventure slog, there's too many other fun things to do at Christmas time!

  9. #109
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Thejollyone View Post
    This is the last feedback I ever give, as it is my most honest opinion the game wont be here next xmas
    The worrying thing is that no-one from BB has responded to say that this is not the case and that the game will still be going.

  10. #110
    Positive: no need to grind adventures, xmas market
    Negative: xmas tree was quite useless

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