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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Easter Event 2022

  1. #41
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    the event was ok despite the bugs with the candy house. Why do you have to keep introducing new gens when so many havent got some of the old and better gens like nusala, anslem and vargus? The only choice is to buy with gems or put up with the new rubbish gens that wouldn't stand up to high level advs.
    Whats the point of a daily guild quest when we have a broken guild market? Why not open a new tab in the merchant and put more items in there we can buy with guild coins?
    The excelsior needs to be fixed and just about everything else so can we get some real effort focused on fixing the game and forget about events until some progress is made? The sooner you get it fixed the sooner players will return and maybe vist the gem shop (which has had all the prices hiked!!!!)

  2. #42
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    A bit boring. Your new buildings are not generally economic. I don't want more geologists & generals as I do well enough with the ones I have had & skilled for years. I know they are useful to newer players but I do wish - and you have been asked this over & over again - that we could retire specialists with we don't use to the tavern & clear them out of the Star menu. Surely that wouldn't be such a difficult change? Also the bundles are no longer attractive or particularly good value.
    Re guild quest I dutifully do it almost every day & I no longer know why.

  3. #43
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Garden of Eden
    Tried to run some bonaberti business advs during the event but they are so bugged it was a joke! You send an attack which goes on and on and on without ending so you try leaving the island and coming back to find the gen you sent is back where it originally landed and the troops you loaded are no longer there but instead travelling back with a claus that was sent home 15 mins before the attack. I've got to hand it to you its so messed up it must have taken a lot of effort to get it so bugged!
    Then you try a misty island and if you dare leave the island the next zone won't allow your troops to be moved into it from the 1st zone. If I included all the bugs across the game I would be listing them for the next week! When can we expect some proper determined efforts to improve the game? At least tell us what you are fixing next rather than be surprised when you get told the game is broken and then ask for all the information as if you didnt know. (then ignore them and leave them broken!)

  4. #44
    Skilled Student YesImMrJ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    i got plenty of eggs... no complaints there. The generals that fight endlessly, so that you have to switch back too-and-fro the adventure and the general landing-shuffle are annoying as heck. Also because i try to get some adventures down to zerro losses :-) No need here for newer types of generals

    My deco collection grew, need more space !

  5. #45
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Garden of Eden
    I forgot to mention the university that was a reward in a recent event calandar (not easter) that required 375 achievement points from easter 2017 to update. I did 12 out of 12 achievements back in easter 2017 but they only add up to a max of 220 so who's brilliant idea was that to programme that requirement in? I know of other players who have the same requirement to upgrade who only joined the game in the the last 2 years well after Easter 2017!! Seriously is there any proper testing and competence with your programmers because from what i see it seems a very small pool of incompetents!
    btw BB Traffer said in jan 2022 that is was being investigated. lol how long does it take to spot an issue and fix it?

  6. #46
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Garden of Eden
    Quote Originally Posted by Wotaplonker View Post
    the event was ok despite the bugs with the candy house. Why do you have to keep introducing new gens when so many havent got some of the old and better gens like nusala, anslem and vargus? The only choice is to buy with gems or put up with the new rubbish gens that wouldn't stand up to high level advs.
    Whats the point of a daily guild quest when we have a broken guild market? Why not open a new tab in the merchant and put more items in there we can buy with guild coins?
    The excelsior needs to be fixed and just about everything else so can we get some real effort focused on fixing the game and forget about events until some progress is made? The sooner you get it fixed the sooner players will return and maybe vist the gem shop (which has had all the prices hiked!!!!)
    Why would you raise the prices for gems at a time when you need to keep players sweet and on board? is it an madhouse run by the insane?

  7. #47
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2013
    probably : )

  8. #48
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New Zealand
    Got good amount of eggs, never enough. Did miss out on wanted Items but overall did ok.
    Adventures took much longer to do than should (freezes, hammerman, out of memory crashes, mail delay etc.) Island load up now quite long with blue screen and part graphic appearance until full screen. Lots of time lost. Not quite helpfully helping when Real Life time is tight. A few Guildies having quite a bit of trouble logging in.

    Much harder to amass vast amounts of eggs needed to buy higher amount Items. Harder for newer Players.
    Maybe reduce amount of Items on offer so everyone can get everything on offer. Bigger Players will help newer Players get these items. More like this Community Game should run. Trade Office would be better trades for all rather than for the elite. Newer Players can't trade for eggs because the amounts get too greedy large.

    All Easter Quests done including bugged one that worked for me.

    Players offering and helping in co-op adventures very good this year. Thank you.

  9. #49
    Treasure Hunter Cheetah2_777's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    On my park bench.
    Did not bother to play it.

  10. #50
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by GrumbleKing57 View Post
    Not understanding why there would be a limit on any specialists
    You get the limit on specialists because they dont have a process for creating content, they simply copy paste the same event from last year and either change things (which usually means introducing bugs that werent there before) or not. So essentially you cant buy the explorer this year, because its not a new instance of same explorer, its literally the same explorer you bought a year ago.

    If it wasnt absurd enough they even had event descriptions copied word for word from last year in some previous event, without even changing the year.

    Im surprised some people still live under a delusion that someone is actually putting in effort in development of this game, when in reality what theyre doing (copypasting with mistakes, and introducing new generals and houses that are functionally the same as the old ones minus changed numbers) can hardly be estimated to take more than few hourss every 3-4 months from an intern (let alone a qualified developer).

    Theyre blowing smoke up your faces and you still love it and ask for more, for some reason.

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