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Thread: Transfer Guild Ownership

  1. #1
    Battle Hardened Contributor Jamdoggy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Halesowen, England

    Unhappy Transfer Guild Ownership

    One of the most disheartening and depressing occurrences in TSO is when a guild leader can no longer continue playing the game, for whatever reason. The guild loses it's helmsman, and as ownership of the guild cannot be passed onto anyone else, the whole guild must disband. Friendships are broken as the guild members are forced against their will to join other guilds.

    Of course, commonly, a guild officer will start up a new guild, and invite all active members from the old one, but this new guild cannot have the same name or even the same guild tag.

    This guild death has now happened to me too many times, and this time it's really upset me to the point where I feel I don't want to play any more. If it can affect me in this way, then surely others have already stopped playing simply because they've been forced out of their guild, away from their online family, simply because one person has stopped playing - it's simply not fair!

    Please, please, BB developers, add in some facility whereby a guild ownership can be transferred from one player to another (with the consent of both parties of course, and only if the new owner has a guild hall already built). Currently, even Support are unable to do this (or at least refuse to do so). I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to do.

  2. #2
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Well said Jamdoggy. I have no doubt that every player supports you and your suggestion, I for one give it the full backing of myself and the Asylum Guild. The only way we can help this to happen is to show BB how we feel so come on settlers let your feelings be known and heard. BB its time you showed us your players that you have ears and a heart.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I have been through this upsetting process myself and lost good friends who have told me that it was their reason for leaving TSO (the last straw). It also leaves a fear that it may happen again and you dread the arrival of that horrible mail saying that the guild is about to fold. Please BB, give us some peace of mind and allow the transfer of guild ownership.

  4. #4
    Original Serf
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    Aug 2012
    In other online games I have played, the guild leader (or equivalent person depending on what the games groups are called) can 'promote' another officer to leader if they need to for whatever reason. That way the guild can stay as a constant group evolving over time rather than being forced to fold and rebuild family groupings from scratch. Yes, it may be hard to program here, but please BB look into the possibility. It will save so much anguish of players who lose the close ties they forge in guild chats by being forced out because the leader is unable to continue playing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hi Jammy ,
    yes i totally agree with jammy and his sentiments. Surely it would be an easy enough rule to change and due to various commitments some leaders are unable to continue their leadership. Please BB review this ruling .

  6. #6
    Eggcellent Essayist Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I am a guild leader of just over a year and its exhausting (enjoyable too of course) a Deputy Leader who could take over for holidays and other absences and then organise a new leader if this should become necessary would be fantastic. I have asked for this before. My guild is 100 members, Avenging Angels. Many friendships have been forged I know i can add that they wholeheartedly would agree with this idea.

  7. #7
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I've been in the same guild since the game opened in EU and we had the same problem. We lost our leader but another member reformed the guild and we all hopped across.

    Being able to transfer guild leadership is something that is definitely needed. Even the option for the guild leader to be usurped due to inactivity by a senior officer would be a useful addition.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  8. #8
    Keen Commentor EctoRune's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    This is definitely a good idea. We had this issue for a while, and though it eventually worked out, it was definitely quite stressful for us all. This feature would be very appreciated!
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    A good idea indeed. A leader is important in making the guild, but the guild itself is much more important than any individual, so it should be given a chance to stand tall even if its leader decides to quit for some reason.

  10. #10
      Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    It's not about being a good idea or not. This should be a DEFAULT feature. I really hope they're going to implement it soon.

    +1 for the topic!

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