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Thread: is trade office dying off?

  1. #1

    is trade office dying off?

    i play this game since 2014 .. remember when there was 12-16 pages of different offers on TO
    i returned in aprill and was surprised to see only 8-9 pages
    now there are only 6-7 and sometimes even down to 5 ...

    this is screenshot few mins ago:
    Last edited by BrownGuy; 26.08.19 at 20:27.

  2. #2
    Skilled Student Queue_Jumper's Avatar
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    Seems like it, it's been reducing by the day recently.

    Only time the number of pages increases significantly is during events.

    Then it's just full of event trinkets for inflated prices, and normal trades seem to disappear completely.

  3. #3
    Skilled Student Queue_Jumper's Avatar
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    Not Near Enough.
    Stupidity is far more fascinating than intelligence. Intelligence has its limits...

  4. #4
    Quartermaster Fanfas's Avatar
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    It's slow outside events nowdays yes, BUT also last year the trade office pages was increased to show more trades per page. So yes trade outside events is reduced but the game is on it's final days, but it's not as reduced as it might seem because of the change i mentioned.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownGuy View Post
    i play this game since 2014 .. remember when there was 12-16 pages of different offers on TO
    i returned in aprill and was surprised to see only 8-9 pages
    now there are only 6-7 and sometimes even down to 5 ...]
    Back in 2014 many players were new to the game, the servers were not resource rich, so there was a lot of selling and buying to fill up personal shortages. Now the servers are full of players with plenty of everything - resources they do not use anymore, items from events they have no space for etc - and those in caring guilds give this stuff to their lower level members so that they can progress more quickly. In the past few weeks I have cleared out of star over 100k stalks, 6/7 mag res, a dozen watermills, a friary etc - not on trade but to members of the guild for a fish.

  6. #6
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    lordy has a good point, but i prefer to think its caused by very greedy players putting ridiculous offers up and e1 just loses interest in the whole sad affair.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  7. #7
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    In some games, unfair traders are shunned. This game has a more complex economy/trading system so it's hard to determine what is "fair", but I agree, the greedy players are just obnoxious and detrimental to the TO system as a whole.

    It seems like the lack of any real competition in this game leads to some people always trying to take advantage of others economically, so they can feel like they are "winning".

  8. #8
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbsoluteZ View Post
    This game has a more complex economy/trading system so it's hard to determine what is "fair"
    This game has an economy system that only requires you to be able to multiply by 2 and 3.

    THe problem with trade is not that its hard to determine what is fair, its that the entire game is based on fully (or almost fully) automated production of almost every resource you can posibly need, and is so poorly tuned that with little effort you can have a sustainable production of everything you can possibly need. Then on top of that you have a progression model where BB rewards you with buildings do the same as ones you already have, but more, and you slowly over the years gravitate to producing literally everything, in amounts twice as much as you will ever need.

    And if like me and plenty of others you have understood that 4-5 years ago, you couldve spent majority of this games existance not needing trade at all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    This game has an economy system that only requires you to be able to multiply by 2 and 3.
    A bit snarky sparky... Obviously I'm not talking about determining goods production values here. I'm talking about determining the value of tradable items and it is NOT based on some silly arithmetic problem. It is based on supply and demand, and since different players have different priorities and the game is constantly evolving, this supply and demand relationship is based on a number of dynamic factors. That is the complexity I was referring to.

    Take beanstalks for example: Before the daily xp quests (and TG/ETG) the demand for stalks was pretty low since there was a rather limited number of things to use them on. Afterwards, on Northisle the price more than quadrupled, and now it has tapered off a little. There is no "multiply 2 and 3" solution to determine what the fair price should be. Or consider special buildings like witch towers and dark castles after the Co-op loot adjustments and token upgrade system. Or even more basic items like iron/steel since properly skilled gens can virtually eliminate the need for militia/solders.

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    THe problem with trade is not that its hard to determine what is fair, its that the entire game is based on fully (or almost fully) automated production of almost every resource you can posibly need, and is so poorly tuned that with little effort you can have a sustainable production of everything you can possibly need. Then on top of that you have a progression model where BB rewards you with buildings do the same as ones you already have, but more, and you slowly over the years gravitate to producing literally everything, in amounts twice as much as you will ever need.

    And if like me and plenty of others you have understood that 4-5 years ago, you couldve spent majority of this games existance not needing trade at all.
    I agree that normal production goods are far too easily overproduced at higher levels. I haven't even been here for 3 years but it didn't take long for me to get to the point that I didn't need to trade for any of them. BB doesn't seem to mind though, they just keep throwing new buildings and buffs at us.

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