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Thread: My concerns about BB changing

  1. #1
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer Nukar's Avatar
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    Nov 2011

    My concerns about BB changing

    Hello friends,

    As most of you know I am playing this game for a while now. And i got involved with TSO more then i expected.
    But I am having a great time. But lately I am seeing a tone change on BB's end.

    Both the communications here, ingame and from support are getting les friendly.
    Per example:
    TSO suffers from lag, we all suffer ffrom it now and then. All of us play adventures, sometimes we play with retreat or blocks. When the game lags blocks, retreats etc tend to fail resulting in losses of troops we worked hard to get.
    I was used to BB awknoledging lag as their fault. But lately I am seeing more and more complaints from players that Support tells them "To bad for you, thats what you get for playing a Beta game".BB could atleast tell us they changed to a 'We-dont-care-about-our-customers' policy.

    I have 2 problems with these responces:
    A: This game is no way in a Beta state. We pay cash for gems. Lag and other bugs are not being fixed, so 'testresults' are not used (thats what the testserver is for) and its to old to be beta. The Beta naming is just a lame excuse to prevent lawsuits and be ... unfriendly to players.
    B: BB used to respond in a differnt way. The previouse refunds are presedents for us to expect the same now.

    Same go's for these forums etc. To me it seems like BB no longer is intrested in the positive community they tried to create when NFL server started, and that is a waste of all the effort we all have put in here.

    I can only wonder about the reasoning behind these changes. But I think it has to do with a new game/community manager (or whatever the manager above aza and ravel is called) (?)
    Last edited by Nukar; 27.08.12 at 08:58.
    Nevermind I give up

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land BB_Azariel's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Hi Nukar,

    I'm sorry you feel this way.
    I have always tried to pass on the positive feedback I get on the forums to BB and we have a very competent reporting system where we tall BB about what's happening in our community (feedback, ideas for new game features, bugs and issues with the game). I will definitely report the increase in lag or at least the fact that lag is a real issue in the game and push the devs to check this out/try and reduce the lag issues.

    Moreover, there have been no changes in our policy. Obviously over time there are going to be changes in management and staff (even though this is not the case here), but we will always have the same policy concerning player satisfaction and happiness.

    I am no longer the Community Manager for this version of TSO. Please send any question to BB_Ravel.

  3. #3
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer Nukar's Avatar
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    Hi Aza,

    Tank you for your reply. I wouldnt call my topic 'positive feedback'tho . Also please tell Support that your policy has not changed.
    At best their responces are less friendly then before.
    Replies like
    Please bare in mind that this game is on the beta stage and issues like the one you've experienced happen.
    are getting to common now.

    Nevermind I give up

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Last edited by Qualan; 07.09.12 at 20:35.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Last edited by Qualan; 07.09.12 at 20:34.

  6. #6
    Skilled Student
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    Jan 2012
    Not to mention that support failed to answer at all to my emails - repeatedly. (I had an issue getting my email validated, under no circumstance would it work, and I got no repsonse whatsoever from support, even on the email-adress suggested by an in-game BB employee. Twice. The thing that eventually did the trick was to change my email-adress. No clue why that helped).

    Also, more generally speaking: when will this game exit the beta stage, roughly speaking? Would be nice to know.

  7. #7
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer Nukar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hayek View Post
    Also, more generally speaking: when will this game exit the beta stage, roughly speaking? Would be nice to know.
    My best guess at this moment will be Never
    Nevermind I give up

  8. #8
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer Nukar's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    After our litle clash with BB on the scammer topic I have seen yet an other playerunfriendly act.
    BB_Dante locked the topic. Why? Not because i called out a scammer. But because THEY think all that has to be said has been said. I disagree. It's ok with me he dropped the post where i pointed out BB cant hold their promisse (unbanning a scammer contradicts that whole topic). But the discussion is far from closed as far as im concerned.
    Putting on a muzzle wont work.

    Just now I learned BB or a MOD killed a topic from an other player that has been expressing his concerns on the way how BB act on enforcing their own rules. It just dissapeared within a few minutes...

    These one sided actions are ridicule... The more i see the less i believe BB does want a possitive community. It seems that all they want is a large playerbase (most likely to spend cash)
    They prefer to keep giving rule violators a second change over and over again.
    So now I am starting to wonder, why should I uphold the rules if they themself do not? I dont mind the rules, I helped upholding them more then once. But current events make me wonder why.
    Nevermind I give up

  9. #9
    Jolly Advisor
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    1 ) Support is appalling - I have only sent one ticket in and that was answered automatically once and that was it.

    2 ) Moderation is a total joke - I have had posts pulled for all the wrong reasons - moderators taking themselves far too seriously - they need to lighten up big time. When moderation is used incorrectly it becomes something totally different. I am more than happy to send you dates and times which I have recorded when I have not only witnessed this but been included in it. Some of your moderators are not the polite keepers of the peace you want them to be - they lack life skills and behave in extremely inflamatory behaviour which just sours the customers perception.

    3 ) You should start to listen instead of telling us how you think it is.

    And you should address the issues as your customers are telling you they perceive them.

    I am more than confident you will not as I genuinely believe the BB business model to be one which simply concentrates on maximum extraction of cash - enjoyment of the game and dealing with complaints such as mine are a drain on resources.
    Last edited by Nuttymut; 07.09.12 at 19:34.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    oh well.. what can i say....

    not much apparently

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