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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: The Fairy Tale Adventure

  1. #161
    Keen Commentor
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    Let's remember that these things have been put on the test server for a reason - testing. However, it does seem like a huge error with the Mag Res. If the dimensions or capacity of it don't change for the live server version, then it would be a colossal waste of time, because no one will use them. Let's hope that the devs respond to the feedback on the Mag Res at least.

  2. #162
    Flesh Eating Mushroom Keen Commentor SwampHen's Avatar
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    The Gold Towers, produces just 30 gold bars a day and consumes 1500 wheat??
    The Gold Tower should at least return a better value for wheat than you can get on TO, even if it's not the best deal you could get on trade buying or selling it for gold. Why would you get a Gold Tower just to put it to sleep? 30 gold coins would be fair trade value (NB: which is not a reward), but not 30 gold bars, which only return 15 coins if you buff it. That's losing money on your wheat. A true Gold Tower should generously make a profit, not a loss (especially after the huge investment needed to get it in the first place)!

    The Magic Residence shouldn't just be "as good as" four nobles --- which at level 1 give 120, and are upgradable, everyone upgrades to level 3, so 200 pop --- it should be a true reward, amazing and impressive --- I'm thinking 350 population, significantly more than 4 x level 5 nobles which would be 280 pop.

    When the devs get things so obviously wrong, it sounds like they don't talk to people who really play the game before they release it, even on the test server. I know it's the test server, but truly it sounds like there is no small focus group of gamers that they discuss these things with before it even hits the test server.
    Last edited by SwampHen; 19.06.13 at 20:52.

  3. #163
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baggis View Post
    The magnificent residence is just another example of how out of touch BB are with the real players.

    They set our expectations high: "With space for a huge number of settlers, it provides enough room and convenience for a king and his entire court. "

    The delivery: A huge building 4 times the size of a noble but with only 140 capacity and no upgrade options! USELESS!! If I built one of these I'd actually be reducing my population limit by demolishing nobles.

    The Gold Towers, produces just 30 gold bars a day and consumes 1500 wheat??

    80,000+ XP from a single adventure with massive losses but no mention of level cap raise??

    What a load of rubbish!!! Do any of the developers actually play or understand the game?? I wager not!
    Maybe the developers have been planted by rival software companies to destroy TSO - and so far they are doing a great job

  4. #164
    Jolly Advisor Dopey's Avatar
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    I’m probably just being cynical but some of the additions in this make believe expansion could be done on purpose. If the Devs really want something to cost 100 but know if they do people will complain about then what’s a better way to ensure they make people happier and get there way? Put the cost up to 300 at the time of development and testing. Show us how much worse it could be then step in, save the day and give us the original figure they planned to anyway. It helps stop them looking like they don’t listen and has a lot more people accepting the still terrible price of 100.
    If people are going to complain no matter what they might as well take advantage of it as best they can.
    Least that’s what i hope there doing cus some of the things there introducing seem completely pointless or not worth doing despite the reward.
    A little less compensation, a little more action please
    All this compensation ain't satisfactioning me
    A little more content and a little less bugged
    A little less inconvenient and a little more hugged
    Re-do PvP so its actually PvP and bluebyte satisfy me.
    Satisfy me bluebyte.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingfisher11 View Post
    great new buildings comming and yes space on peoples islands is becoming a problem and there is a easy option for BB to solve this make islands bigger 3 more sectors OR add new lvl's to the buildings we already have ie being able to upgrade them to lvl 6 lvl 7 and so on which means we would need less buildings then gaining space on the island just an idea
    now this is a good idea. adding more lvls to upgrade. going to lvl 7 or something so we can wreck our old ones to consolidate.

    the new gold tower sucking up 50 wheat to make 1 gold bar is really really insane.

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikovchi View Post
    The point is to not waste the experience points of every adventure on level 50.
    What is the point of being lvl 51 ?? what can you do differently at 51 that you can't do at 50? Only thing I can think of is giving us a reward for turning to 51.

    But what happens when you reach the next level cap ?? The cycle begins again, and people will complain that the XP being useless when you reach the next level cap.

    The solution to raise lvl cap will only result with another problem later.

    MY point is SOLVE the problem now. instead of introducing future problems. Have XP convert to a useful resource if you're at level cap.

    Community managers. Are you listening to this feedback?? Please take some notes and go back to the developers and explain to them the problem of reaching level cap. People are going to complain again in the future.

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tatooine View Post
    I think it would be better if the magnificent Residence could be either upgraded or start with at least 200 settlers.

    It needs to be upgradeable. Or be at 240 to be worth even getting and getting it would only be for decoration.

  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baggis View Post
    The magnificent residence is just another example of how out of touch BB are with the real players.

    They set our expectations high: "With space for a huge number of settlers, it provides enough room and convenience for a king and his entire court. "

    The delivery: A huge building 4 times the size of a noble but with only 140 capacity and no upgrade options! USELESS!! If I built one of these I'd actually be reducing my population limit by demolishing nobles.

    The Gold Towers, produces just 30 gold bars a day and consumes 1500 wheat??

    80,000+ XP from a single adventure with massive losses but no mention of level cap raise??

    What a load of rubbish!!! Do any of the developers actually play or understand the game?? I wager not!
    I totally agree with this one. I really don't think developers play their own game or understand their own game at end level. Why do I believe this?
    The past 2 crisis events they have introduced are just poorly thought out.

  9. #169
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    Apparently, a lot of people are running out of space on the island. People are complaining about adding new buildings to the game means no where to place them or tearing down buildings to make space.

    At first I was advocating that its a strategy game and you should learn to make space and optimize your island better. I take it back. Sorry, I said this.

    Because adding the new Gold Towers will create more problems. You need to add more wheat production (more farms) to support this. So for every new gold tower you add, you'll need to add farms and wheat fields to go with this. This is just way too silly and poor planning on BB. If this is suppose to be an end game content, end game players are probably feeling that this is NOT a good end game content.

    My feedback on this content. CHANGE the resource consumption of the gold towers. make them upgradeable as well.

    I think the reason why these buildings are not upgradeable (gold tower, and residence) is because they're lazy and don't want to add new upgrade arts to them. Okay. I'm fine with no upgrades then. we don't need to bloat a web game with more graphics to download. But at least balance the wheat consumption by lower it and increasing the bar output.

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dopey View Post
    I’m probably just being cynical but some of the additions in this make believe expansion could be done on purpose. If the Devs really want something to cost 100 but know if they do people will complain about then what’s a better way to ensure they make people happier and get there way? Put the cost up to 300 at the time of development and testing. Show us how much worse it could be then step in, save the day and give us the original figure they planned to anyway. It helps stop them looking like they don’t listen and has a lot more people accepting the still terrible price of 100.
    If people are going to complain no matter what they might as well take advantage of it as best they can.
    Least that’s what i hope there doing cus some of the things there introducing seem completely pointless or not worth doing despite the reward.
    tin foil hat on the developers intentions. lol. crisis event #2 they learned a few things from the first event but yet ignored still the problems that people complained about. it still had the search for marbles or stones random elements. and people had lots of explorers wasting 5+ days searching.

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