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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Weekly Challenges & Training Grounds

  1. #31
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by TillyMcGrumpy View Post
    I'm quite dismayed to have these challenges be so hard - Have the developers forgotten what it's like to have no resources? I have been playing for about two weeks and have levelled up steadily to level 32 (due to the generosity of guild members). I have not yet done a single adventure other than Bounty Hunter but the challenge wants me to do two! It isn't possible for me to complete these challenges in one week's time and I don't like to ask for non-essential resources - my guild members shouldn't have to carry me. At the very least I would like an option to decline the challenge and turn it off so it doesn't keep popping up in my quest book. I am very unhappy, I am considering whether to quit the game
    I'm sorry you feel that way. You will have to get very used to adventures (lots and lots of adventures) to progress, so that will come. There will also be many things in the game that you won't want to do because of time, resources, etc. and most are optional (like guild quests, side quests, daily quests) and now challenges. Feel free to ignore anything you don't like - there's no penalty.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  2. #32
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Worst Update Ever?

    Training Grounds - as far as i can see they have replaced buffs and have very little effect when using buffs. If i'd known this b4 i would never have bought these buildings. Maybe its a bug that will get fixed. I guess i should have checked it out on test server!

    Weekly Challenges - hahahaha!!!

    My biggest bugbear (I can just ignore the previous 2) - everytime i delete a mail my game looks as though its crashed! after the ridic progress bar on camps fiasco and now this, i am left wondering if bb has a very near sighted 5yo designing this stuff!
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  3. #33
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    Training Grounds - as far as i can see they have replaced buffs and have very little effect when using buffs. If i'd known this b4 i would never have bought these buildings. Maybe its a bug that will get fixed. I guess i should have checked it out on test server!
    All the barrack buffs are additive and it is well known since the last changes that were supposed to clarify that (IIRC it was about changing the tooltips from xX type of buffs to +X%).

    How little the gain from a single one was well known since the introduction of those buildings on test server and the information was available there to anyone interested.

    The fact that you can buy unlimited ones for gems should be a hint to you why the bonus is so low

  4. #34
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    oh yes... and the buffs. buildings still light up ready to be buffed even though a buff is already active. Personally i find this feature very useful so hoping for a fix soon.

    any chance of fixing the mail icon next to portrait, another feature i used to find very useful.

    Edit: i now have to untick mail with loot in from explos etc b4 i can delete everything. this used to automatic. this is an improvement how?

    skunk dont show on elite barracks.... maybe u could just rollback the game to 6 months ago b4 u break so many things the game grinds to a halt. and plz plz put the mail back to how it was b4 u started any "improvements" u obviously misunderstood what players wanted and ur just making it more clunky
    Last edited by vigabrand; 21.11.18 at 19:13.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  5. #35
    Original Serf
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    I'm probably doing something wrong, because I'm on level 53 and I found out weekly challenge absolutely ok. The biggest problem is that my stocks are full and I have to get rid of things to complete "produce" parts of quests (it will be great to have an option to pay the resources anytime during quests not only at the end). Also I don't like doing adventures at all so the mandatory adventure is quite annoying but far from difficult.
    But seriously people, what's wrong with you, these are CHALLENGES, they're not meant to be easy, it looks like you all just want free exp and tokens each week to be satisfied

  6. #36
    Forum Explorer
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    Love the idea - and I've completed the first half of the challenge. And now I have to do '3 adventures from the following list: Tomb Raiders,' Either something's missing there or that's not a list and I like to play this game on my own - not be forced in to finding time to find other players I don't know or trust to complete these for me. This would be far better if we could choose our adventures or at least be given a proper list to choose from.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rafnir View Post
    We have to do co-ops for this?

    If so, no tokens for me, then...
    Same here. co-op adventures are ok for some, but not all of us and before people start commenting - it's how we choose to play the game (there's nothing wrong with that) and that should be taken in to account when these things are planned

    Quote Originally Posted by Xadro View Post
    That would make things far too easy, if you want the good stuff you gotta work for it.
    Worked hard at every event and task since closed Beta - the problem here is being forced to do co-ops. I wouldn't mind being given 3 hard adventures to do but not being forced in to co-ops

    Posts Merged - please use the multi-quote feature in future
    Last edited by _Aszbhar; 21.11.18 at 10:37.

  7. #37
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Not counting the possible balancing issues and some buglets this update seems great.
    Game seems to have finally changed after being stale for a long time. Finally something to think about and adjust to.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  8. #38
      Treasure Hunter
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    We would like to thank you all with issues accessing the quests for the weekly challenges for your reports. Information is being passed to the Devs in order for them to investigate the problem, but we have no ETA on a fix as yet. We shall endeavour to keep you posted as further information becomes available.

  9. #39
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronny_cz View Post
    But seriously people, what's wrong with you, these are CHALLENGES, they're not meant to be easy, it looks like you all just want free exp and tokens each week to be satisfied
    The problem is that they are trying to enforce difficulty in a game that is too primitive to have difficulty. So really the only thing they can resort to is forcing unused content upon players, without consideration why exactly it is unused.

    The result being ie. requirement to finish adventures that are :

    a) unavailable on the market due to players not doing certain adventures that drop them (avoiding them for whatever reason)
    b) unavailable through regular play because you have no control over what drops from the adventures you actually do
    c) in the case of coops, forcing adventures that you cant even reliably complete regardless of the effort you are willing to put in, because they are IMPOSSIBLE to complete without relying on someone else doing their part.

    Regardless of the exact wording people use, most of the complaints are really about obvious design mistakes or deliberate poor design that BB is doing, not any kind of demand for instant gratification.

  10. #40
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    The idea of the weekly challenges is a good one...but here we go again with the Devs trying to force their will on players. We are a diverse playing group and a lack of flexibility has never gone down well with the players. How many more times will they need to be told not to make us do a particular adventure? Even the wording of the quest indicates a choice should be there...just someone forgot to add more than one! GIVE ME back my choice, and if not, list the subquests so I can ignore the whole quest rather than get half way through and then get miffed ( It should not be left to fan based sites for this, its not like its a crysis quest and secret is it? ) Diaries and change logs should contain ALL the relevant information...please use it.
    Just for constructive purposes, the choice of adventures could easily be made up of one or two of similar levels, or even one or two of each type - Mini; normal: scenarios; co-op or expedition. Thus those players who prefer a particular type could all be happy.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

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