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Thread: Balloon Event - Please Play Nice

  1. #1
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Balloon Event - Please Play Nice


    My guild, The Avenging Angels, have been donating rigorously for this event. Okay we may have one or two members not taking part but that is their choice. We are not going to force people to take part. BUT the majority are working in many different ways and huge amounts are being and have been donated. I am proud to be a member of our Guild. Though water is the cheapest route personally i didnt want loads of wells so I have gone an easier route though hugely expensive. My choice.

    But please folks be understanding, don't accuse and make assumptions that people are not 'doing their bit'.

    Yesterday, a senior member of my guild was misunderstood in trade cruel assumptions were made that he is not doing his bit. Now sometimes he does not think before he speaks but he has a heart of gold and is definitely doing his utmost for this event. I understand that he was placed on ignore lists in trade. He has not spoken to me about this and maybe the story has grown in the telling but I dont doubt that he could have been hurt by this. So please don't be so quick to judge. I know someone who is donating at least 180K a day of his own resources and yet has not broadcast it because they are wise enough to know that the person who can only afford by comparison a small amount may well think 'what is the point'. Every balloon counts.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe
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    I would agree with this. Also don't ridicule smaller donations - we can't all make 180k a day, and it's not through lack of effort. If we were all level 50 with level 5 provision houses and endless gems for watermills then the situation would be different.

    I know I've jumped up and down about making balloons, and people are probably sick of me saying 'make balloons, donate balloons', but I do know that there is a limit to what we can make. I got very close to jacking it all in the other day when it was suggested that I wasn't making enough effort to get all of my guild to make balloons, whether they want to or not. And that was only one small misunderstanding that I recovered from fairly quickly; not a public outcry.

    I'm tired of balloons, can't stand the sight of wells, but I'm still trying to do what I can. I'm looking forward to 23rd July when maintenance comes, and this is from someone who wants to overtake the next few German servers if we can. Some of my guild have just gone on holiday - I'm not kicking them for that. Others are playing the normal game - that's their prerogative. I did set up a 15 member guild specifically for this event, and I know that I've made plenty of mistakes as a newbie guild leader since the event began, but I've tried to learn from some of the mistakes. Next time (if there is one, and I'm still here) I would do things differently.

    I'm trying to stay out of global-1 now and make balloon comments in the global-4 event chat. I don't want to try to convert people that have no interest in the event - that wouldn't be fair when I want to play my own game, not someone else's. At the end of the day, this is still a GAME. There are many ways to play it, and people are not required to play in one specific way. If it is no fun anymore, then it has probably gone too far.

    Also, please remember that people do have something called real life that occurs around this event. Even I have a real life, in spite of the fact that I can be online for quite a large amount of time each day. I've fitted in what I can, around children, the end of the school year (which won't finish for me until 24th July) and a rather irritated husband that thinks I like making wells more than talking to him. I've done too much, need to cut down and will reassess everything after the Event. I can limp on for now, but not for much longer.

    Oh, and yes some of this does sound a bit negative; that's because I have a lot of mixed feelings about the Event. I'm not all happy jolly about it, nor loathing it to bits.
    Last edited by Sto_Helit; 16.07.13 at 13:32.

  3. #3
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Hi Sto_Helit

    Running a guild and trying to make it a good place to be is hard work. A really good idea to set one up for the event and it gives you a good idea of how much work is involved. I started when things were quiet and it did not really prepare me for what was to come. Whatever you are doing sounds right. Freedom of choice is massively important though my lot think I have loads of rules, truth is I don't. No more than a guild that claims they do not have any

    I think the Czech Server must have done really well putting in loads of effort. Of course this Server has too. Keep banging the drum lets get the max we can from this event just coz we can. Sometimes I wonder if some players would sit down with their children to play a board game and start by saying we each only have a 25% chance of success lets just watch television instead.

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mortallicus View Post

    But please folks be understanding, don't accuse and make assumptions that people are not 'doing their bit'.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sto_Helit View Post
    Also don't ridicule smaller donations -
    Absolutely. We want to progress, we want to do well and to reach some goals in Northisle, but we can only do this by working together and being respectful of everyone. Some non-contributors have changed their minds and joined in to the event because of a kind word and encouragement.... but attacking others will get us nowhere.

    Txs for the post Mortallicus

  5. #5
    Committed Clicker
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    If its not possible to achieve the 150%, isn't everything donated from 100% until the end of the event all in vain? It doesn't take much calculations to work out we are unable to progress fast enough in the 6 days remaining no matter how motivated or how much effort we keep putting in.

  6. #6
    Jolly Advisor
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    Peajay, I guess it depends what your goal is. Some are as interested in Newfoundland/Sandycove retaining or improving our place in the rankings, others about passing another server (unlikely unless that server slows down) and some have set themselves personal goals. All these are as valid as the "formal" game rewards. In fact for the individual actively participating the formal rewards are rubbish. But for the servers as a whole they are great.

    In terms of in-game rewards I think it makes more sense than ever for those not actively participating to make and donate/sell reasonably/convert resources. I would guess that it would take just 20% of the active server to change their approach like this and we could then get to 150%. That said I personally do not think it will happen.

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavona View Post
    Peajay, I guess it depends what your goal is. Some are as interested in Newfoundland/Sandycove retaining or improving our place in the rankings, others about passing another server (unlikely unless that server slows down) and some have set themselves personal goals. All these are as valid as the "formal" game rewards. In fact for the individual actively participating the formal rewards are rubbish. But for the servers as a whole they are great.
    It would be nice to overtake at least one German server group, 150% if possible. Staying in the top ten and knowing that we've tried hard. Personal target of donating over 500k balloons before the end of the event. Etc.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I am still donating all I can make from wells .... I will not stop until the end of the event ... but I think that BB should and must apologise to all players because they said the event would be fair but it is now obviously more foul than fair ... it is now clear that BB have tried to msilead everyone when they said 150% and 200% targets when 150% and 200% are not directly related to 100% in any normal conventional usage of the meaning of percentages.

  9. #9
    Jolly Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottlecap View Post
    I am still donating all I can make from wells .... I will not stop until the end of the event ... but I think that BB should and must apologise to all players because they said the event would be fair but it is now obviously more foul than fair ... it is now clear that BB have tried to msilead everyone when they said 150% and 200% targets when 150% and 200% are not directly related to 100% in any normal conventional usage of the meaning of percentages.
    +1 I really don't know how to effectively show BB how upset I am about that. I don't mind that it isn't "fair" I do mind that they deceive us.

  10. #10
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavona View Post
    +1 I really don't know how to effectively show BB how upset I am about that. I don't mind that it isn't "fair" I do mind that they deceive us.
    +1 to that sentiment. The feeling of being deceived the whole way through the Event is palpable. I can't shake it. It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

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