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Thread: Suggestions/ Feedback after some days of playing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Suggestions/ Feedback after some days of playing

    Hi all, developers/ fellow gamers

    Assuming there are developers of the game reading this forum i figured it might be usefull to share my 2 cents;

    I found out about this game last week and was pleasantly suprised to see settlers return.. after registering to the game i was rather astonished by the detail and possibilities of this's a bloody browsergame...nice work.

    Some remarks/ suggestions concerning the game:

    1.* I purchased gems for a couple of times to increase my speed/ support the game and conquered a couple of new regions... i am however running out of building licenses and it is impossible for me to increase my growth. The amount of licenses gained from new sectors is way to low to keep up with the new possibilities.

    *Im not actually willing to pay another 30 euros to be even able to build something.... A bit demotivating?

    *Increasing above lvl 16/17 only gives me a bit of gold instead of 'rewards' really worth progressing (licenses?? idea?)

    *the amount of marble/hardwood needed to upgrade buildings compared to the amount of marble in mines is a bit strange... 400 marble for an upgrade while an mine only holds 800 or so? With higher marble prices for upgrades i'd recommend largers mines..otherwise its hard to get up a nice economie with continually depleting mines.

    *let me build on spots after cutting away trees please

    *why not give road some functionality like in the earlyer settlers? (path of walking for settlers, faster travel?)

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by Galahad View Post
    1.* I purchased gems for a couple of times to increase my speed/ support the game and conquered a couple of new regions... i am however running out of building licenses and it is impossible for me to increase my growth. The amount of licenses gained from new sectors is way to low to keep up with the new possibilities.
    With the number of licenses available its already possible for most lv35+ players to produce almost all they need. Increasing the number of available licenses would a) speed up the progress by increasing the production, possibly to a level where game ends too quickly and b) allow to produce absolutely everything you need, therefore killing the last reasons to trade and human interaction.

    *the amount of marble/hardwood needed to upgrade buildings compared to the amount of marble in mines is a bit strange... 400 marble for an upgrade while an mine only holds 800 or so? With higher marble prices for upgrades i'd recommend largers mines..otherwise its hard to get up a nice economie with continually depleting mines.
    Maximum level of a building is limited to 5 (and costs ALOT more than 400 marble), plus noone said these upgrades should be available to you without waiting and any effort from your side.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Well, the idea of settlers for me was always to expand my empire but an random limit like licenses ruins the game quite effectively... when i need marble i want to be able to build a new mine. I have enough resources to do so, but due to such a cap im not allowed to build more... it is not really motivating and basically ruining the gameplay..

    The goal of increasing production is to speed up progress, right? Due to this license- limit im not able to build the city/empire i'd like as i can only build a small town... for me that has always been the goal of the settlers series...

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