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Thread: why cant Blue byte fix the Chat switching problem rather then bans for accidentally p

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Thumbs down why cant Blue byte fix the Chat switching problem rather then bans for accidentally p

    why cant Blue byte fix the Chat switching problem so it dose not switch back to G1 all the time rather then bans for accidentally posting a trade in G1.

    I'm sure fixing the chat from switching is a simple fix that can easily be done, but rather then fixing this problem and I was told by a MOD its a low priority instead players get banned.

    This wrong and totally uncalled for.
    And it is ruining the game for many.

    A friend of mine accidentally posted a trade in G1 today and I know that player spends hrs in trade chat G3, but yet he accidentally posted a trade in G1 and was told off for it.

    Then when I mentioned that its not our problem and it should be fixed the overzealous Mods then banned me for pointing out a fault that is not ours.

    COME ON BLUE BYTE FIX THIS STUPID PROBLEM and stop making us players pay for your inability to fix such an easy fault that is yours and not ours,

    THIS IS MORE OF A PRIORITY THEN UPGRADES TO MANY PLAYERS - so why is it such a low priority to Blue Byte.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New Zealand
    Blue byte if you do not want to fix the problem then stop the mods from banning for it!!! Advise the people that its the wrong that and give them as many chances as they need, because its not their fault if it switches back for them. Mods shouldn't be allowed to ban anyhow, there are to many control freaks who ruin the games for people because a mod has a personal issue with them, and those people could have been the ones to spend $$$ in your gem stores, so its lost revenue for you.

    Either fix the problem blue byte to deal with your mods!!

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I agree that if a player continually posts trades in G1 then they should be banned for not respecting the rule but not if its done once and a wile accidentally.

    And I'm sure many players have done it at least once in their time playing this game either trading or asking for baskets when they ment to post in G3 or guild.
    It seems to me that its a simple problem to fix, but the MODS DON'T CARE if its an accident or not, the power of being able to ban goes to their heads and they get off on it so take full advantage of this problem and Ban like their life as a Mod depends on it.

    NO MODS SHOULD NOT GET UPSET BY THIS PROBLEM they should be supporting it getting fixed and stop feeding off the ego trip.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    There's nothing wrong with accidentally posting a trade in global 1 if you stop, and perhaps apologize, when you realise your mistake - and everyone i've seen has apologized straight away, no harm done to us, the chat isn't being clogged up with trade offers. Anyway, it just makes the MODs look mean when someone is banned after they note their own mistake and move to fix it.

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    This isn't a bluebyte problem, its a flash one, if you uninstall flash and then install an earlier version then it saves the channel settings (as well as the sound settings). It also leaves your computer vulnerable to old flash exploits so its a bit of a lose/lose situation until a working version of flash is released

  6. #6
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    interesting suggestion

    Complaints about moderation are not to be made on the forum

    closing this.


    Killste Forum Moderator

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