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Thread: Buying buildings with guild coins

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Buying buildings with guild coins

    it would be great if we could spend our guild coins on building like a deerstalker hut, silo, recycling manufactory, watermill or village school. Will that be made possible in the future? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    too easy- cant compare guild coin to gems or event rewards really.

  3. #3
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I disagree with making event rewards available in such a manner, but Noble residence bought with Guild Coins would be a good idea.
    If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

  4. #4
    Nifty Makedon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I generally agree with having more stuff to buy with guild coins.

    No matter what those are - just put some more.

  5. #5
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    But if you look at the price of guild coins, they are worth a lot. High level players pay 40 carriages for them for example. But yes, I agree, they are not gems. There should be more stuff available for them though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    There's already a jolly geo so why not expand to battle generals and savage scouts? PLEASE!!!

  7. #7
    Jolly Advisor Dopey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Golly Geo got included because its usefulness is limited. This is why the amount we can buy is unlimited. The majority of Guild Coin purchasable items are buffs which makes sense to some extent since you can share them with your guild. To this end I would have expected the offered adventure for sale to be one that has at least 1 extra player slot on it as the items should focus on guildy things like guild mates sharing an adventure.

    Most things only buy-able with Gems we would want added to the Guild Coin list are too useful to be included. BB needs to make money and so they can’t put all the good stuff on the ‘free’ table of purchasable items.

    It would also undermine the whole limited gift ability on most of the useful things we want. Guild Coins can be traded, gems cant. Battle Hardened Generals can’t be traded nor village school, the recycler or savage scouts. Adding them to the Guild Coin buy-able list would completely ruin that whole system.

    Silo’s, watermills, the stuff we can already gift and sell on trade might make it on there one day but I would imagine at the moment BB are assessing what they can get away with at the moment and analyzing what gets brought with the naff stuff they have on there already.

    I personally feel Guild Coins should have been sent to a guild vault and linked to the guild only. Then the quests to gain the guild coins are only gained from special Guild adventures. Ones that actually reward teamwork, I guess the equivalent to a 10 man raid. The Guild Coins could then be opened up to exclusive and very useful but hard-earned rewards. Like the ability to exchange in the shop 10000 guild coins for the creation of a guild co-operative. When activated those in the guild get this bonus and it could for example make all trades sold to guild members have there gold coins refunded if additional trades slots were purchased with gold coins. Or the guild leader could buy a guild manufacturing ISO standard certification. This would mean all guild members have met certain standards which help increase productivity in production buildings by 10, 20 or 30%.

    I’m very much a player that thinks guilds should be a main part of the game so would also like to see true and proper advantages to being in one and reasons to actually use Guild Coins to make the guild experience better. I would hope in PvP this would be paramount but I would also like to see it in adventures too. For example there could be a Guild Coin purchasable talisman or something that when one of you uses it, it allows you and a guild mate to do attacks on a camp together combining your forces without sharing XP. That has been something I have disliked since I started doing adventures. I see the word ‘Online’ as being able to play the game online WITH others not playing a single player game and it having a highly moderated chat system and calling it ‘Online’. I expected to be able to do a 2 player adventure WITH a friend or guild mate and we come out better for it. As it turned out we’re better off doing 2 player adventures on our own which for me completely nullifies the whole ‘Online’ experience.

    This I feel is where this game becomes a victim of being F2P. I want to be able to help a friend clear there island together. I want to be able to do an adventure with a friend and feel like together we came out better for it. If I try and do that now all that happens is I take the XP and they get what basically amounts to a loot spot.

    If we took as an example the average MMO on a subscription system then they actually encourage you to play with others and reward you for it both in better loot and XP. Modifiers don’t take less away they actually increase your XP for helping a friend if your around the same level. This is what ‘Online’ is all about for me.

    We don’t get any of that from this game and…actually never mind I don’t know what the heck happened but I some how started fairly on topic and completely went the wrong direction somewhere…so err…to conclude I doubt BB will give us much of anything useful for Guild Coins, not while they can be traded.
    Last edited by Dopey; 15.12.12 at 15:28.
    A little less compensation, a little more action please
    All this compensation ain't satisfactioning me
    A little more content and a little less bugged
    A little less inconvenient and a little more hugged
    Re-do PvP so its actually PvP and bluebyte satisfy me.
    Satisfy me bluebyte.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    I too am disappointed with the limited amount of options we can spend our guild coins on. I would like to offer the following suggestions for guild only items. Trawler, the fish equivalent of a deerstalker. Adventurer as fast as a savage scout but can only be sent to find adventure's.

  9. #9
      Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Also posted this in another related thread;

    I mailed them with a request to consider to introduce items that would benefit the entire guild. items such as counterfeit memberships could be a nice option. I also suggested to add an option for guildies to donate the coins to the guild. It should be easy to implement a window in the guild window for all guildies to see how much coins have been donated but also to en- or disable to donation option. Guild master and administrators can use these coins to buy items. I also suggested to introduce guild adventures. These quests could be expensive and very hard. But if a guild collects the coins and work together they can beat the adventure for nice rewards. If more people like this idea, please e-mail BB, they might consider it if enough people ask for it.


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