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Thread: hardwood problems

  1. #11
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    May 2013
    here is my production level for hardwood with no buffs :

  2. #12
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    May 2013
    is it worth the move ?

  3. #13
    Keen Commentor Splotch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by aindriu80 View Post
    is it worth the move ?
    The answer to that is it's totally subjective, it's up to you to make that call.

    For arguments sake, say you have a hardwood cutter with 4m 30s base and say your travel times out are 14s + 10s and in as 10s + 14s. This means the total production time for that structure is 318 seconds.

    Now say you move that structure so you're travel times are a bit better at 6s + 10s / 10s + 6s, you end up with a production time of 302 seconds so moving the structure has saved you 16 seconds, yay..? Maybe not, because this is where it becomes tricky.

    By moving this structure you may get an increase in speed initially but if your planters aren't appropriately placed then that deposit that you moved to could depleat and that cutter could give you the same or less than you were getting originally thus totally negating your "improvements"... If it's not done correctly, you will likely end up moving things around again to try and compensate and if you don't fully understand what is going on that problem could just keep biting you.

    That aside, 24 hours is 86400 seconds (24 * 60 * 60) so it's pretty easy to see the difference that the optimisation will make :

    Original : 86400 / 318 = 271
    Moved : 86400 / 302 = 286

    The move, assuming it is all perfectly planned and executed, nets you +15 hardwood per level, per day when unbuffed... Placing one new level one hardwood cutter, as described originally, will bring in 271 hardwood per day so that covers eighteen optmisations to your existing cutters if everything is at level one... Placing a level one cutter would still account for moving three level five cutters.

    The other thing to remember is that moving costs resources and the higher the level of the structure the more resource it costs, so moving lower level structures is always a better option than higher level ones. If you move a structure, regardless of level, it is going to cost you so what you gain from the move is absolutely nothing until the value in what you have gained overtakes the value of what you have spent for the move.

    I've moved plenty of things around on my island but it's never been to bring in more resources because I needed the resources, it has always been to fine tune the balance between resource production and consumption.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    A lot of players underestimate the impact walking time have on your productivity.
    Everyone overestimates it in my opinion.

    Assuming the +75 hardwood per day in my example is accurate at level five, moving a hardwood cutter would get you an extra 27375 hardwood per year. According to the trade price list hardwood is going for 15gc to 25gc per k on our server so you've just made yourself an extra 405gc to 675gc per year... You spend 200gc on the move so that's down to 205gc - 475gc per year so trickling in daily the improvement is going to equate to about 0.56gc - 1.30gc per day.

    I suppose that's a really nice passive increase to your economy and a sound long term investment, if you're Ebenezer Scrooge.
    Last edited by Splotch; 31.01.14 at 13:17.

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