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Thread: Has Return To Bandit Nest been removed ?

  1. #31
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Yup, I knew there were changes, and knew that BB doesn't tell us details about loot drops/etc. Which is a bit of a shame to be honest But the mild annoyance will pass in time.

  2. #32
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    +4 Bandit Nest today - loot isn't all bad, got over 3000 granite combined - but still haven't seen RBN since the patch.

    Too rare for my liking.

  3. #33
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Even without RTBN i would still do BN (easy/quick adventure with decent chance of granite). Maybe they will give another way to get RTBN?

  4. #34
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Cairns, QLD, AUS
    Well, thank you all for your feedback :-)

    I have just finished my BN no 35 in a row without any drop of RTBN and THAT is the end of the line for me !
    So, for me it is bye bye to BN and RTBN. Not many adventures left for me now worth doing. And where I actually have some fun doing them.

    I wonder if BB keeps track of the number of adventures done ? It does not make much sense to have a whole set of adventures, but people only do 5-10 of them, as the rest are all left in the star menu, as you lose more resources doing them, than the reward you get is worth.
    Should a reward not be something you can actually add to your storage ? Something that is a "payment" for your "investment" of resources and the time spent ?

    The way it is now, it makes more sense just to let your island produce for storage and then sell it all in TO.
    How depressing is that :-(

  5. #35
      Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    i suppose for those who have go their specialist upgraded its not a problem....but for the mere mortals amung us ( goner be a hard slog with out rtbn to help out....
    yes the ability to make glue which we will get in a few days will help but not really much use when you cant que anything in bookbinder tbh...
    it takes me 12hrs to make 1 manuscript thats 60hrs for 1 tome 120hrs for 1 codex atm but soon that will be 180hrs...with the amounts needed to skill up specialist...(on just codex's alone thats 30days each 11 to do thats 330 days)....lmao
    not sure how much faster it will be with the buffs we can make....any one know how much time is taken off each book when using these buffs ?....
    Last edited by ATHTHEMANIAC; 10.12.14 at 11:25.

  6. #36
    Skilled Student
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    Mar 2012
    Cairns, QLD, AUS
    Don't forget that the glue you can make yourself only is a 20% boost ....... (at least it was on test server)
    I will of course use them, if I get behind with production, so I do not have to stay up too late to put the next book in the bookbinder, but to think it will be a game changer ..... hmm, not really !

  7. #37
    Jolly Advisor
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    Dec 2013
    A level 5 bookbinder makes a manuscript every 12 hours without glue. Every second you are late and every second you are slow in starting the next manuscript moves that time-of-day forward, until the next one will be completed after you go to bed for example.

    Coupled with the Tomes taking 20% longer to make, which means with a 20% reduction they will take as long as a manuscript I will be able to keep my bookbinder fully occupied once I can make those small glue packages. For me this will make an enormous difference.

  8. #38
    Treasure Hunter
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    Aug 2012
    Keep in mind, I do believe that upgrading specialists was not meant to be a quick thing, nor something you expect to do on all specialists. It always seemed (to me at least) that it was meant to be quick for the first few, then year(s) to do the rest (something we do on the side with the rest of the gaming mechanics).

    Also keep in mind, you can choose how you upgrade your specialist, so may opt for builds that are not codex-heavy.

  9. #39
    Skilled Student
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    Mar 2012
    Cairns, QLD, AUS
    Well, keep in mind that the generals will be added to the science one day as well ......
    No matter how you look at it, it will take forever and a day to get just a part of the geologists, explorers AND generals educated with science.
    Without a building queue in the bookbinder it almost seems hopeless.
    I know some have a lot of their experts educated already and I know several of them.
    Those are the guys who set the alarm to get up in the middle of the night to place another book in the bookbinder. Those are the guys with the wifes asking for divorce. Those are the guys where the wifes already left .......

    I have never been able to understand why a company like BB/Ubisoft can support irresponsible gambling/gaming.
    Should it not be the player running his game and not the other way around ?
    Would it really be so bad to give the bookbinder a building queue ? To let the player run his game, so it suits his everyday life ..... with or without family.

  10. #40
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Norfolk, England
    A bookbinder queue should of been introduced when the science stuff first appeared, the reason it didn't was that players would be able to upgrade all their geos/explorers way too easy. The current percentage drop of RBN's from BN is proof of this. Must be around 5% drop now, maybe lower!

    My explorer results are exactly why everything has changed recently. I have 21 explorers which is the absolute max u can get if you were around in early 2012.

    15 savage scouts (10 from shop, 2 from the limited items shop and 3 from the past 2 Easter events.
    3 lucky scouts (1 from shop, 2 from events)
    3 normal scouts (all 3 from tavern)

    all my 15 savage scouts are upgraded with artefact search ( brings home 15-20 rainbows each week average)
    My 3 lucky's and 3 normal's are upgraded with the bean search ( brings me around 500-750 beans each week & 500-750 guild coins each week)

    All my 21 scouts have books added in reduced search times also. To do this I had to sacrifice playing other adv and just played BN for 4 months solid after last xmas. It was a slog but as u can see it was worth it!

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