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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary Valentine 2019 Event

  1. #181
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Darkest Dorset
    Going to break the maxim taught to me by my great-aunt, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it".

    This was far and away the worst event we've ever had.
    The one plus point was the love-crazed rabbit buff and even that was crippled by such a short effect time.
    The Observatory would have been useful, but doesn't work.
    The 2 specialists were welcome additions but not standout, nice to get iron mines with faster deposits but unlike other finds, these don't indicate that they've been successful, until you've built the mine you have no idea if there's a faster dep or not.

    The thing was bugged to hell on test, and despite our pleas to leave it there, you still forced it upon us a week after the day it was named for.
    Thanks to a combination of the security certificate being invalid preventing login, and the age old "buildings unpausing" bug, flower fields depleted and killed the event stone dead for those afflicted. I lost both Northisle and Sandycove within a few days of the event starting.
    This did give me the opportunity to focus purely on Newfoundland for a change, and even then this event turned into a grind.
    The refill awards from advs were dismally low and couldn't keep pace with the rate of depletion of the flower farms, so it became a case of spamming Tomb Raiders co-op as fast as possible, not easy if you're one of the "night people".
    Using the flowers to construct a buff was insane, the event currency was already very difficult to come by, and extremely difficult/nigh impossible to find someone to use it upon you at a convenient time to utilise its effect.
    The cards buff had a good idea behind it, but trying to find other players with unbuffed farms (or even undepleted farms!) was a nightmare, with the added complication of the numbered cards.
    The best idea for next year is this: For the love of God, please don't!
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    It's a shame it often took longer to log in each time than the Flower Buffs lasted

  3. #183
    Eggcellent Essayist Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Co-ops made a change and it was great to be able to involve more levels and for them to feel they are really taking part.
    New Buildings (I assume they will work very soon)
    The love crazed bunny
    A good explorer and geo
    Great decorations
    Something for everyone

    Because of the bugs it was hard to work out what was worth buying and what was not.
    The Cards . The buff did not always work and the numbering was not the fun I thought it would be. (I think ditch the numbers next time)
    The Love Messages were far too sloppy. A great opportunity to be funny was lost only one made me smile and that was the 'couch' one.
    Bouquets - I don't like having to spend event resources on anything outside of the merchant.
    Achievements - the rewards should have been flower deposits or more of the buffs and no every day game buffs involved at all.
    The event was too short until it was extended by a day at least until first removal phase.

    I enjoyed the Event I suggest it should be added together with a Summer Event to Easter, Halloween and Christmas. Only these should have major rewards like new buildings and generals.

    I will look forward to the Event next year especially if no bugs

  4. #184
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    i think this was a good event. Not a fan of co-ops but others seemed to manage. The new buildings look cool. Good work on the graphics.
    The valentines card worked out ok, although personally i found the message sent (email) a bit odd, even creepy. Also i thought traditionally Valentines are meant to be anonymous.
    The refill awards from advs were far to low.
    both the geo and explorer are welcome, but too slow.
    It should be good next year with some refinement.

    Have a great day

  5. #185
    Skilled Student
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    Sep 2016
    I'm not sure where this concern for higher players not wanting to do coops. I see Y-tan and other high level players churning through the TRs all the time on the forum. They're into it. Fast and furious.

    I always invite lower level players from my guild onto the loot spots from multiplayers. All of our higher level players to do it.

  6. #186
    Skilled Student
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    Sep 2016
    I have to admit, I got creeped out by the messages from the cards. As a female gaymer, I had to do a double take... too many creeps on line and too many people overstepping. I had no real warning that these automessages were on their way. Funny in hindsight, but also something to be aware of.

  7. #187
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I liked the farms, just 3 spots needed. Can we have those for pumpkins as well ?
    It would have been great if the card buffs worked as intended, it would have saved hours of doing adventures. Also get rid off the numbers, very frustrating if you can't get one after making 30+ cards. Imagine the resource drain for lower levels.
    Nice buildings, but why another huge one. In the past i enjoyed changing my island, it has become nearly impossible due to these monsters.
    It was a nice event, if everything worked tho.

    But why, why is it so difficult to listen to the community. First of all this is the second thing brought to live servers that's been burned down on test.
    Second, pages of bug reports about the card buff not working and what's asked ?? Are you sure you had the buff active when you started the adventure ??
    Pages !!!! There's not a bunch of 10 year olds playing this game, don't treat us like we are.
    Look on this forum, scratch yourself on the head if you see that many reports. We play this game, we talk in the guild about it, read the forum and global/help chat.
    A lot don't post on the forum because they feel not listened to, ask yourself why

  8. #188
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Ok my little thoughts for this event... they are mixed

    First thing i want to say is, why do we have to have new events every year? The year is already stuffed with a lot of events and yet u still need to implement new ones? For me this event is not welcome cause just after xmas and before easter... i prefer having a calm time at least... and you can always use existing events to introduce new things. get some other things out of the event offer if u dont want to offer too much... dunno... but just for the sake of new content do not create one event after another...

    For the event itself.. starting positive here:

    I liked the idea u implemented co-ops and multiplayer adventures... first event i get to know so many differnt new players. never had that before. I know some others didnt like it but it brings us all together playing.

    The crazed love buff is a really good thing. As refill drops are low it was the only way to get the needed amount together. Sth similiar for halloween would be nice. But I kinda think that almost 400 flowers is a bit costly for only 3h when used by a friend. But tis is to be discussed.

    Using buffs to trigger zone effects is a nice idea too. But it would be of course nice if it would work perfectly and not like 50/50 chance...

    Now i fear i come already to the negative part:

    Besides Geo/Explorer the buildings are hm well... i call them nice to have buildings but I dont see really somthing worth in them. I am not the player getting involved too much with adventures and hence the weather station wont be useful to me. but thats also a choice everyone can make... so thats a negative side everyone has to consider himself

    Observatory was a building I really wanted to have and i am disappointed it doesnt work properly. Adventure consumes most time here especiallywhen needed for events. Make it work and it will be a light in the end of the tunnel.

    Love garden... First thought was cool and nice u get buff and quests for getting even more buffs. And quests are doable. ... now that i understood correctly how it works... well its not useless but I dont like the idea u need to have 2 gardens to have the possibility to get the 25 buff triggered. Thats nonsense. Its like buying a car and getting only 2 tires when buying. With the cooldown for 2 gardens at 10h30 and then have like 90 min to get the profit from it only... nope. i dont have time to do this and even with more than 2 gardens i dont see this happening. I will use the one i have now set up with 22 buildings and thats it. but i am disappointed. I thought its a nice thing to get people have another form to getting population grow faster but not in this "time depending" way. I still want to decide myself when to come play the game and not have every 2-3 h somethings that needs to be started. I have a real life.

    I use the occasion also to point out if u keep getting us these buildings creating zone buffs around them u should consider that the island is not giving us endless spots to place them effectively... i mean i love xmas market but if u keep getting us these things... we will run out of spots soon... give us tools to create some more of these spots and we will be more delighted to have these buidlings. but with all the little trees bushes and whatever blocking certain spots (which are sometimes even free on test server!) it is not making fun to rearrange the island... and the costs wont be less to get more of these zone buff buildings if u want to use smaller areas and more than one of the buildings !

    I am disappointed that this event didnt give us the opportunity to buy any buildings for economy. I think it was ur aim to get completely new things in it but i would always prefer to have some new workyards than these special buildings. A lot more use comes from a workyard in my opinion, especially for players with lower levels.

    PLease do never again launch an event if the test phase is so full of bugs. I was even in test and real game not concerned for the bugs related to the buffs and zone buffs... but game performance and login took me sometimes 1.5h with nothing to do... it is really disappointing when u are ready to invest 3-4 of a day to run this event and then ur blocked by technical issus... sorry BB, but if u want us to spend money on this game u better start getting it run more smooth... i mean if u buy something u would expect it to work fine... and not crack at every little touch...

    If we report u bugs please dont take us for idiots playing this game. I had players trying to proove to u the buffs arent working for them for sure. I mean i know we complain a lot but is also because u do seem to listen less and ess to what we are trying to tell you: the game is getting more and more unsatble, less reliable hene less enjoyable. I know a lot of high level player quitting cuase its annoying to dont see improvement... i see tendencies to the other side: getting worse with evry little new thing implemented...

    so please listen now: the game need to be fixed in all kind of ways, make it more stable, fix known issues and dont question our reported negative behaviours of the game - then you can start agin introducing new things !

    Not before! This is something not only this server is aksing for.... i seeen this commented in almost all forums... just listen !!!!

    WIth this I will stop now and apologize for all my grammar mistakes... Have a nice settlers game day ... and let the easter event be better in performance !

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Totally agree with you this was the worst event I have been part of. I don't have masses of time to play and therefore not a chance get enough refills to finish the quest line. Which wasn't a great loss since there wasn't much that was worth having.

  10. #190
    Original Serf LadyBillie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Nolyka View Post
    Ok my little thoughts for this event... they are mixed

    First thing i want to say is, why do we have to have new events every year? The year is already stuffed with a lot of events and yet u still need to implement new ones? For me this event is not welcome cause just after xmas and before easter... i prefer having a calm time at least... and you can always use existing events to introduce new things. get some other things out of the event offer if u dont want to offer too much... dunno... but just for the sake of new content do not create one event after another...

    For the event itself.. starting positive here:

    I liked the idea u implemented co-ops and multiplayer adventures... first event i get to know so many differnt new players. never had that before. I know some others didnt like it but it brings us all together playing.

    The crazed love buff is a really good thing. As refill drops are low it was the only way to get the needed amount together. Sth similiar for halloween would be nice. But I kinda think that almost 400 flowers is a bit costly for only 3h when used by a friend. But tis is to be discussed.

    Using buffs to trigger zone effects is a nice idea too. But it would be of course nice if it would work perfectly and not like 50/50 chance...

    Now i fear i come already to the negative part:

    Besides Geo/Explorer the buildings are hm well... i call them nice to have buildings but I dont see really somthing worth in them. I am not the player getting involved too much with adventures and hence the weather station wont be useful to me. but thats also a choice everyone can make... so thats a negative side everyone has to consider himself

    Observatory was a building I really wanted to have and i am disappointed it doesnt work properly. Adventure consumes most time here especiallywhen needed for events. Make it work and it will be a light in the end of the tunnel.

    Love garden... First thought was cool and nice u get buff and quests for getting even more buffs. And quests are doable. ... now that i understood correctly how it works... well its not useless but I dont like the idea u need to have 2 gardens to have the possibility to get the 25 buff triggered. Thats nonsense. Its like buying a car and getting only 2 tires when buying. With the cooldown for 2 gardens at 10h30 and then have like 90 min to get the profit from it only... nope. i dont have time to do this and even with more than 2 gardens i dont see this happening. I will use the one i have now set up with 22 buildings and thats it. but i am disappointed. I thought its a nice thing to get people have another form to getting population grow faster but not in this "time depending" way. I still want to decide myself when to come play the game and not have every 2-3 h somethings that needs to be started. I have a real life.

    I use the occasion also to point out if u keep getting us these buildings creating zone buffs around them u should consider that the island is not giving us endless spots to place them effectively... i mean i love xmas market but if u keep getting us these things... we will run out of spots soon... give us tools to create some more of these spots and we will be more delighted to have these buidlings. but with all the little trees bushes and whatever blocking certain spots (which are sometimes even free on test server!) it is not making fun to rearrange the island... and the costs wont be less to get more of these zone buff buildings if u want to use smaller areas and more than one of the buildings !

    I am disappointed that this event didnt give us the opportunity to buy any buildings for economy. I think it was ur aim to get completely new things in it but i would always prefer to have some new workyards than these special buildings. A lot more use comes from a workyard in my opinion, especially for players with lower levels.

    PLease do never again launch an event if the test phase is so full of bugs. I was even in test and real game not concerned for the bugs related to the buffs and zone buffs... but game performance and login took me sometimes 1.5h with nothing to do... it is really disappointing when u are ready to invest 3-4 of a day to run this event and then ur blocked by technical issus... sorry BB, but if u want us to spend money on this game u better start getting it run more smooth... i mean if u buy something u would expect it to work fine... and not crack at every little touch...

    If we report u bugs please dont take us for idiots playing this game. I had players trying to proove to u the buffs arent working for them for sure. I mean i know we complain a lot but is also because u do seem to listen less and ess to what we are trying to tell you: the game is getting more and more unsatble, less reliable hene less enjoyable. I know a lot of high level player quitting cuase its annoying to dont see improvement... i see tendencies to the other side: getting worse with evry little new thing implemented...

    so please listen now: the game need to be fixed in all kind of ways, make it more stable, fix known issues and dont question our reported negative behaviours of the game - then you can start agin introducing new things !

    Not before! This is something not only this server is aksing for.... i seeen this commented in almost all forums... just listen !!!!

    WIth this I will stop now and apologize for all my grammar mistakes... Have a nice settlers game day ... and let the easter event be better in performance !
    agreed with you

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