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Thread: Scavenger hunt with Orowa - Day 6

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Forum Explorer BB_Torkav's Avatar
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    Scavenger hunt with Orowa - Day 6

    Shroud of darkness

    You spent a few days on the northern island, and now you were preparing to head back. You received a message from the governor that he’d like to talk to you before you go, so you headed to his mansion, Sonya and Orowa walking beside you (well, floating, in the case of the latter). You passed by MOD_BruJah who was talking with some Nords about their version of ice hockey and MOD_Daz who must’ve been telling jokes, because his companions were roaring with laughter, and entered the wooden building.
    “As you were so successful in your mission to recover the statue, maybe you’d agree to help us with one more thing? I’m pretty sure it won’t be nearly as dangerous.” - said the governor. - “You see, the main trade route on which our products are transported, runs past this island here.” - he pointed at a star-shaped island on the map that was attached to the wall of his office - “Normally, they’re very good customers. They buy a lot themselves and they have a very large and powerful fleet that protects a large part of the trade route from pirates. However, once a year, at the turn of October and November, all their ships return to the port and the port itself is closed. The lighthouses are shut down and the whole island is plunged into darkness. You understand how inconvenient it is for our business. Would you agree to check why they are acting like that?”
    “Sure! It does sound quite intriguing.” - said Orowa.

    “That’s wierd, it shouldn’t be so dark. It’s not even four yet.” - said Sonya, when the Excelsior reached the star-shaped island. The whole place was unnaturally silent. There were no ships on the horizon and as far as you could see, all the villages and towns on the island were engulfed in darkness.
    “I’ll drop you off in the forest near the capital.”

    When you reached the city, it looked as if it was completely deserted. It was very silent there and all the windows were dark. However, after a while you noticed a few strange figures walking around. You approached one of them and Orowa asked:
    “Excuse me sir, do you have a… Eew!” - the ghost staggered back.
    The figure was some kind of monster! Its skin was green, his eyes were red and inhuman and his teeth were yellow and rotten. It growled and tried to bite Orowa, but the ghost dodged the attack and rose into the air, out of the attacker’s reach.

    Smells bad and will try to bite you.
    _ _ _ _ _ _

    Last edited by BB_Torkav; 26.07.19 at 12:53.

  2. #2
    Community Manager
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    Attack from the shadows

    The ghastly figure turned its attention towards the adventurers who drew their weapons.
    “Now now… stay where you are, little green friend.” - said one of the mods.
    “Little disgusting green friend…” - muttered another.
    The creature growled again and charged at MOD_Rebus. He pointed his sword in front of him, but the creature - surprisingly - didn’t care a bit. It charged right at the sword and did not even flinch when it pierced its flesh. The adventurer pushed the sword to the side, causing the creature to fall down, and stepped back. The monster stood up almost immediately, seemingly not affected by the wound at all, and charged again, this time at MOD_Daz. He aimed his bow and hit the creature with an arrow. It staggered for a moment, but quickly recovered and continued the assault. Suddenly, a flaming arrow flew from the darkness and hit the creature in the chest. The flames spread in an instant and after a few seconds the monster turned to dust.
    A cloaked figure with a bow stepped from the shadows and said in woman’s voice:
    “Come with me. More will be coming after us now that one of them is dead.”
    She turned around and walked into a side alley.
    You could already hear more of the monsters approaching, so you decided not to lose time and followed the stranger.

    When you were back in the forest, the woman took off her hood and you could now see her graying hair and her stern face.
    “What are those creatures?” - you asked.
    “They are the result of a curse that’s been plaguing this land for centuries. They always come at this time of the year. They, and also some other, more terrifying things.”

    The spookiest time of the year, precisely on 31. October?
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  3. #3
    Community Manager
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    Of monsters and curses...

    When you were all back safe onboard the Excelsior, the woman began her tale:
    “Legends say that around a hundred years ago our island fought a war against a very powerful dark wizard. Ultimately we managed to defeat him, but before he died, he managed to put a curse on this land. Since then, every year at this time of the year, dark creatures appear, seemingly out of nowhere, and wander around the island. Initially, we tried to fight them, but it turned out to be pointless. Even if we destroy them all, they just reappear next year, and the more we fight, the more numerous and aggressive they are next year. When we attempted to get help from another island, their numbers increased five times in just one night. So, now we just wait it out. We barricade in our homes, and just wait it out. Usually they don’t try to enter buildings if they’re not provoked.”
    “Why won’t you just move somewhere else?” - asked Sonya.
    “Because this is our home.” - said the woman sternly.
    “What do we do now?” - asked Orowa.
    “You should just pack and leave, and be happy that you made it out alive” - said the woman, standing up. - “I’m going back to my home. You should go back to yours.”
    Sonya nodded and ordered one of her officers to land the Excelsior for a moment so that the woman could disembark. Because of the threat posed by those creatures, the flying ship was kept hovering above the ground.
    “I’d hate to leave this mystery unsolved, but I’m short on ideas. Can we help these people at all?” - said Orowa.
    “I think I know someone who might have an idea how to help them…” - said Sonya, unsurly.
    “We’d have to visit another island and find a person who calls himself “The Mad Scientist.” I recall he contacted me a few times for information about such creatures. He might know something that would be of help to us.”

    What do scientists often perform to learn new things and test their theories?
    _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ n _ _

  4. #4
    Community Manager
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    Gathering intel...

    The “Mad Scientist” proved to be rather easy to find, but much harder to convince to share his knowledge.
    “Do you know how hard it was to get this information?!” - the slightly crazy-looking man squeaked. - “And you want me to share it just like that? Out of the question!”
    “How about this?” - said Sonya, opening a crate, brought there by two of her crewmen.
    The scientist’s eyes lit up, although he did his best to hide his excitement.
    “Hmm… Yeees… Hmm… Yes, Adamantium Ore is indeed quite useful… Hmmmm… And not that easy to find… Hmm… This and half a crate more and we have a deal.”
    “Oh, come on! You do know you can’t just mine it like any other ore. Do you know how many islands I had to visit to gather so much? I’m giving you my entire stock here, that’s more than a fair price!”
    “Alright, alright…” - the scientist started rummaging through his drawers.
    “Here you are… No, wait! I can’t give you that… Those are the originals… I’ll make you some copies… Wait a moment…”
    After a few minutes, he handed you a sheaf of papers.
    “Here is a recipe for a substance that will allow you to destroy the creatures much more effectively than with fire. The amount required is proportional to the size of the target. For example, if you find yourself facing a human-sized monster, it will be enough to hit them with a substance covered blade, but if you meet something bigger, for example, something the size of a house, you’ll likely need to throw a whole bottle at it. Or maybe several bottles, hehehe.”
    “I don't think we’re going to meet anything of this size…” - said Orowa, unsurly.
    “Oh, but you will! Hehehe! I’m certain of it!”
    “Why?” - asked one of the mods suspiciously.
    “Well, if my information are correct, in order to lift the curse entirely, you’ll have to find the main creature and destroy it.”
    “How will we know that this is the main creature?” - asked one of the mods - “And how will we know that the curse is lifted?”
    “Oh, thats quite easy - the main creature will be the biggest one! Hehehe! As for the curse… Well, it says here that the time will stop for a moment for you…”
    The adventurers looked on each other.
    “For how long exactly?”
    “It doesn’t say! Hehehe! But I trust you’ll give me a detailed report when you come back. If you come back, I mean. Hehehe…”

    What do you think is the giant monster that has to be defeated?
    You can find it on your island under special circumstances…


  5. #5
    Community Manager
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    The final battle

    The main monster was nowhere to be found, so you decided to just start attacking the small ones and hope that it will lure him out. Your weapons proved to be remarkably effective after being sprinkled with the glittering potion you prepared onboard the Excelsior.
    You saw one of the monsters rush towards you and stabbed him with your sword. The creature immediately turned to dust. On your left MOD_Aamurusko and MOD_V4lkyrie were slashing through a large group of monsters without any difficulty, while on your right MOD_Yardly and MOD_Hauter were shooting arrow after arrow, decimating enemies that were coming from a side alley.

    What was the substance that helped you destroy the monsters?
    Words and order - clean it up

    Suddenly the earth shook and a bright orange glow started shining through the cobblestone in front of you. The earth shook again and the ground exploded, sending parts of the pavement everywhere. A large hand came out of the hole, followed by a massive body, covered in flames. The new monster looked like it was made out of lava, and was the size of a house.
    “I... I think that will be the main monster…” - stammered Orowa.
    The giant roared and hurled a large ball of fire in your direction. You rolled on the ground, and the bolt hit a wooden cart, reducing it to cinders.
    The monster took a swing again, but two arrows hit him in the arm. It roared again, as the flames disappeared from his hand and the arm itself started to crumble.
    Taking advantage of the distraction, MOD_Klatchian and MOD_Rebus threw bottles of the substance at the monster. Everyone else follow suit and the giant creature soon started crumbling and turning to ashes. Suddenly, a bright blinding light bursted from where the monster was standing...

  6. #6
    Community Manager
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    Day 6 - Enjoy

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