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Thread: Gem Prices

  1. #1
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Gem Prices

    I would like to see the gem prices drastically reduced. I didnt mind spending 30€ a month with the turkish coversion trick to receive 48k gems. That was worth the value of the money. Some don't buy gems anymore because of the state of this game , but for that price nobody really cared too much. I'm not saying you should bring back the Turkish rates, but it needs some serious adjusting. So players won't get mad when they see those prices , and BB gets more revenue to build this game back kup again. Maybe they could even work with a subscription for 30€ a month , and then give you 40k gems for it , win win ! no? Tell me your thoughts .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I agree that the prices are too high. I used to buy them as a treat to myself when they were £25 for the largest pack of gems at turkish prices. I login with faacebook and I don't think I can even buy gems now.

  3. #3
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I dont see any point in cheap gems when I dont have any room to place the items Id be interested in buying.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    The Netherlands
    a subsciption sounds nice though i doubt i woud do it for that price unless it has some extra perks. but that would make it pay to win for sure. would that be the right direction?
    lower gem price that i can choose to buy would be awesome and will probably net you more then a subcription in my case.

  5. #5
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Given the historical reason of why it became advantageous for some players to buy gems via the Turkish shop and the steps BB took to prevent that means it's going to take a compelling argument to convince them to provide a means for providing gems for a lower price. We have three groups of players here on our side, first those who don't buy gems, I think we all know how much weight anything they say is going to carry. The second group is those who were able to take advantage of the Turkish shop, it's obvious a proportion of those are going to stand with you. Then we have the third group who because they had the wrong piece of plastic were unable to take advantage, how many of those are now happy that the Turkish gravy train is over and now that parity has been restored everyone is in the same boat.

    There are two flaws with your subscription model. The first is the one which allowed you to take advantage of favourable exchange rates and that's because not everyone pays in euro's, this means for some they would be getting a better deal than you while for others a worse deal. The second flaw is you would be buying on a fixed date, whereas before when you was choosing to pay you could choose to buy in happy hours for the best deal.

    Would not have been better to find out how much players would like to pay instead of you deciding for everyone what we should be paying.

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