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Thread: [Feedback] Changelog 15.06.2021

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020

    [Feedback] Changelog 15.06.2021

    Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments on the Changelog 15.06.2021.

    The original post can be found here.

    Happy commenting!
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 14.06.21 at 14:42.

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    well none of us seen that coming did we ha ha ...BB the cross between a 2nd hand cars salesmen and a politician

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post

    ohh traffer got demoted to the italian server i see

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    So you removed all our frustrated questions and comments, you did nothing to answer any of them, and therefor you do nothing to stop peoples doubts that this game is on is way to self destruct.
    You say that you still plan to implement the soccer event with unity, as I think you still mean soccer 2021. The state Unity is in - 2022 would maybe be a wiser choice.
    I cant imagine how this is going to happen without scaring the last very faithful patient players away.

    In the current version, you have to click 3 - 4 times in each button and chase the window in the process - that will be a total of around 8 clicks per explorer, then wait around 30 secs between sending, that will mean that an average high level player will look at using around 2 hours a day just to sent explorers. In the process they will maybe destroy a few buildings by mistake, if there was any under the explorer windows when they sent those out.
    Every 5th or so line in chat people type in the blind. Every around 5 minutes the game do auto refresh. The time between server and player session is out of sync. This means that now and then actions you have done are reset, with the time reset.
    You will no longer be able to do blocks on adventures as you also need to wait around 30 sec in between sending gens. Then there is the OOM message that makes you need to close down browser, they happen every ½ hour or so. There is the mail system where you have to scroll down to accept mail. You can no longer accept all mail of a kind, not unless you want to delete all. This is just some of the more annoying problems - the list goes on an on - and we have seen no attempt to fix any of it. We don't get any real answers. Instead all that is too critical just got deleted? - If this goes on I will start asking my questions on Facebook instead.

    The test server that was bussing with activity and enthusiasm is now as dead as the normal server. People would keep going and be positive if they just got some info, and if just some of it got fixed along the way. Now we are losing faith that BB is able to and willing to solve any of the problems, so they give up and find other things to do.
    Last edited by Urd123; 14.06.21 at 14:50.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  5. #5
    Community Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    ohh traffer got demoted to the italian server i see

    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    So you removed all our frustrated questions and comments, you did nothing to answer any of them, and therefor you do nothing to stop peoples doubts that this game is on is way to self destruct.
    As far as I can see, in the thread you are referring to, you can see my own answer to one of the player's doubts that referred to most of the questions in that thread. I deleted comments that were not related to the thread and as I said if you want to ask any questions you can do so in the right place.

    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    In the current version, you have to click 3 - 4 times in each button and chase the window in the process - that will be a total of around 8 clicks per explorer, then wait around 30 secs between sending, that will mean that an average high level player will look at using around 2 hours a day just to sent explorers. In the proces they will maybe destroy a few buildings by mistake, if there was any under the explorer windows when they sent those out.
    Every 5th or so line in chat people type in the blind. Every around 5 minutes the game do auto refresh. The time between server and player session is out of sync. This means that now and then actions you have done are reset, with the time reset.
    You will no longer be able to do blocks on adventures as you also need to wait around 30 sec in between sending gens. Then there is the OOM message that makes you need to close down browser, they happen every ½ hour or so. There is the mail system where you have to scroll down to accept mail. You can no longer accept all mail of a kind, not unless you want to delete all. This is just some of the more annoying problems - the list goes on an on - and we have seen no attempt to fix any of it. We don't get any real answers. Instead all that is too critical just got deleted? - If this goes on I will start asking my questions on Facebook instead.
    Again, in the same thread, you are referring to, I answered this question. Once again - the Test Server version is not final and it's natural to experience issues. We are working every day on the Unity Version to fix all the issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    The test server that was bussing with activity and enthusiasm is now as dead as the normal server. People would keep going and be positive if they just got some info, and if just some of it got fixed along the way. Now we are losing faith that BB is able to and willing to solve any of the problems, so they give up and find other things to do.
    Lastly, I also mentioned this in the thread you are referring to. In the last Test Server update, we fixed over 30 bugs/issues on the Unity Test Server, and since then we have fixed even more. We will continue to work on the Unity Version and bring you news once they are ready to publish, but we wont do it daily, as we mention before.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    So, no Unity for event, play as are at moment. Good for those of us who can login, killer for those who cannot still.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    yet another release date missed HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    you guys better hope ubisoft never closes down your division, because no one will ever hire any of you, you guys are really incompetent, i never saw anything like this. release date, after release date, after release date… you guys missed them all. but i'll give you one thing though, at least you are pretty consistent

    thanks for comfirming everythinng i've been saying in the forum for the last few months
    you keep it up like this, in a few weeks time, you'll be playing this by yourselves.
    best start buying gem packs too bb devs
    you'll need them, because you probably play as bad as you develop games

  8. #8
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Apr 2019
    can't help myself but laugh

    same accounts chatting doodie and picking on this poor human, being first line of support in a massive and complex transition.
    well done for consistency . embrace the current times and do give yourselves a day off or two .
    or better of, switch to Mac

    as for the topic of the day, happy days. finally we'll have smtg to do. if all goes well, it'll keep us busy for a while.
    seeing that we're not quite there yet, a 5 week event will do just fine for most of us.
    what i've seen on test, there were a lot of balls and we could do with some extra time
    Last edited by JohnRo79; 14.06.21 at 19:24.

  9. #9
    Jolly Advisor
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    Jun 2013
    Is no1 gonna talk about the prices in the football event.. the poor bundles with poor items.. the new building which costs ... 15k balls was it (swan boat)? did everyone just accept the fact that BB thinks we are stupid af and we will accept no matter bundles/items they give us?

  10. #10
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorp View Post
    Is no1 gonna talk about the prices in the football event.. the poor bundles with poor items.. the new building which costs ... 15k balls was it (swan boat)? did everyone just accept the fact that BB thinks we are stupid af and we will accept no matter bundles/items they give us?
    where did you see what's in the next event?

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