220+ takes like 10min before BB replaced servers, dont bother sending besides the 3d and 7d explorers
Type: Posts; User: Kebabtomte
220+ takes like 10min before BB replaced servers, dont bother sending besides the 3d and 7d explorers
Been like that for long after applying buff on weekly or events so just do refresh when it happens then complete it again.
I just press F12 then storage and press "clear site data" then refresh and back within minutes
Been like that for some years now so nothing new
My first longboat have a star on building so why isnt longboats the same?
Just for information but the longboat given in quest if its errected and demolish before it starts to build its gone forever it seems along with 40k of each entry that where maxed also.
EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
at System.IO.__Error.EndOfFile () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
Chrome, press F12->clear site data works every time since game tries to load beyond file and are stuck then. Do reload and press play
How did the error manifest itself?
Webbrowser froze when completing foreinge ship weekly quest
Date and time - When did the problem occur?
2023-07-27 @12:30
What did you do last?
Game frezzes big time if sending away ship too soon after logged in, those rare times i do cheap weekly i need to keep that im time. Doesnt matter which of the q for ship this happens if to short...
When you have way over 200 explorers to send out every day several times per day and not using programmable/scripting mouses its not fun with all these clicks is my opinion in this matter that i...
That msg is all times in browser but stuck when loading works when deleting unitydb then reload and game loads as usual but getting it every now and then each week since a couple of updates ago.
Yea getting stuck on 90% load some times per week but usually delete unitydb when happens and reload game, been like this for some updates ago. Dont see any use to report any of the issues when more...
yea times are messed up, did 50 cavs which should take 2580days but it was completet way before that. Another fix BB has to look on
On test the storage of 2023 manage to check the points done 2022 so that was a quick update at start
Nice first time with new issues using chrome "status_access_violation" does it need to use knife balacing coding for game to work with unity.
and accoring to minidump i get after a stop code its chrome that causes them and i only getting stop codes when running this game no other games runs on this computer
cleared unity db?
You have the bug from xmas storage that should or be taken care of in a update
Didnt manage to recreate it