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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 13/07/23

  1. #11
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Completely unnecessary new tab. Doubt it improves anything. Trade tab worked well for co-ops, no need to fix it.

  2. #12
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    Players mainly said that they don't have a dedicated "channel" to find co-op partners[/URL]
    coz it's not needed! bb has complicated anything to do with multiple player advs and I'm sure i'm not alone in my confusion..

    ok so now we have a new adv channel (i think). altho i am sure i recall being told there will be no new content until unity is sorted, i am grateful for the new channel and the new pages in merch and the dubious new buff buildings. Much better than something like bulk sending of explo's which i can only presume very few players have asked for compared to these other new additions!

    On a less sarcastic note, thx for the mcc fix, long awaited and I'm sure 99% of players are very grateful.
    Last edited by vigabrand; 13.07.23 at 20:22.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  3. #13
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    Please note that The Settlers Online is a global game, where we listen to the opinions of players from all servers. This request was made to us regularly through the forum, in-game chat, and social networks. Players mainly said that they don't have a dedicated "channel" to find co-op partners if they don't sell/buy slots. We're constantly working on other improvements and this Update also includes some of the fixes players asked for a while.

    I would also like to point out that this feedback thread is only about the update. If you encounter any problems, be sure to post them in our bug section.

    Odd as I play on 5 servers, use 3 server forums and am on facebook chat and not one mention

  4. #14
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Please note that The Settlers Online is a global game, where we listen to the opinions of players from all servers. This request was made to us regularly through the forum, in-game chat, and social networks. Players mainly said that they don't have a dedicated "channel" to find co-op partners if they don't sell/buy slots. We're constantly working on other improvements and this Update also includes some of the fixes players asked for a while.

    I would also like to point out that this feedback thread is only about the update. If you encounter any problems, be sure to post them in our bug section.
    Odd as I play on 5 servers, use 3 server forums and am on facebook chat and not one mention[/QUOTE]

    Also play multiple servers and never seen a hint of this being requested, in fact most of us gave up checking Fakebook as it went weeks/months without a post and never a response from BB when in desperation we try to report servers going missing or crashing during login, so all otheravenues of communication are naturally cut off.
    Surprised too seeing as trying to sync between the chat server(s) and the game/static ones has been a major contributor to the lag issues we've had to endure ever since unity was inflicted upon us, not just the delays in a typed message actually appearing in the chat box, but an active chat clearly made switching between maps much worse, often making the difference between horrendous loading times and a total freeze or "out of memory" error.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  5. #15
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    coz it's not needed!
    I respect your opinion, but keep in mind that other players may have a different opinion on the subject, as can be seen even in this thread. I don't remember an event, where this issue was not communicated to me by the players. Imagine a situation where, for example, a group of players will be against the "mass send function" because they would say it goes against the spirit of the game, as it will be an automation process. However, we will have a lot more positive feedback on this, what should we do? No matter what we do, some players will be not happy, and they have the right to voice it. This is part of the feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    ok so now we have a new adv channel (i think). altho i am sure i recall being told there will be no new content until unity is sorted, i am grateful for the new channel and the new pages in merch and the dubious new buff buildings. Much better than something like bulk sending of explo's which i can only presume very few players have asked for compared to these other new additions!
    Every event since Unity was added has included new content. Recently, we have been fully focused on solving Unity's transfer and performance issues. I think we can both agree that most of the problems have been solved and the Unity version is now much better. We are working on improvements, and just because you see a new chat tab, it doesn't mean that in the meantime we are not working on our "much more" desired features.

    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    The time could maybe have been used better sorting things players asked for?
    Do you think the MCC fix or the guild voting issue that you personally asked me during the last week are not "better things that players asked for"? Both are part of this update, in addition to other bug fixes/improvements/reworks. As I said above, just because we're adding X, it doesn't mean we're not working on Y.

    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Odd as I play on 5 servers, use 3 server forums and am on facebook chat and not one mention
    You don't have to look far, you can find such a thread on this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    Also play multiple servers and never seen a hint of this being requested
    Can you guess who said this?

    I like the idea, if it's used responsibly I'd much rather do that than suffer the trade tab.
    As somebody who does not charge for lootspots, nor pay for them, I think there is a genuine case for a channel where players can recruit and enjoy sharing advs in the true spirit of the game, ie. not for profit adventuring.

    Please remember - we know what you most want as players and it is not ignored. However, this doesn't mean we will not introduce other improvements which were requested, on top of bug fixes.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    The time could maybe have been used better sorting things players asked for?

    Do you think the MCC fix or the guild voting issue that you personally asked me during the last week are not "better things that players asked for"? Both are part of this update, in addition to other bug fixes/improvements/reworks. As I said above, just because we're adding X, it doesn't mean we're not working on Y.

    i find it nice to pick quotes out of context and us it as an argument for the own case

    As for the multi-sent option for explorers/geos, the old option should be kept - not replaced. so you can have it both ways (and one will hopefully always work)

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    I agree that the trade tab worked for co-ops. But not for trading. Especially during events, the trade tab was flooded with adventure requests. I wouldn't exactly classify it as a high priority change, though I'm sure not a difficult change either, but I'm glad my trade requests won't disappear because someone posted a co-op. I've more than once said I'll have to come back when it's less busy because I couldn't get a word in.

  8. #18
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jan 2016
    When you have way over 200 explorers to send out every day several times per day and not using programmable/scripting mouses its not fun with all these clicks is my opinion in this matter that i want bulk sending or a option to set default send so it be less clicks.

  9. #19
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    [COLOR="royalblue"]Do you think the MCC fix or the guild voting issue that you personally asked me during the last week are not "better things that players asked for"? Both are part of this update, in addition to other bug fixes/improvements/reworks. As I said above, just because we're adding X, it doesn't mean we're not working on Y. [COLOR="royalblue"

    poor argument as the two are unrelated, anyway, we have an extra chat tab, yay

  10. #20
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    The new channel is probably going to see some use so I don't really see a problem with it.

    The shady dealings on the other hand, has anything been added to this recently or has it been forgotten about already? I don't log in every day so I might have missed stuff for sale, but as far as I can tell there has been nothing new added for several weeks now.

    It's a shame this game doesn't have a more useful way of dealing with bug reports and feature requests. Satisfactory (a game) for example has a specific site you post stuff to and then comment on and up/down vote so the devs get a much better impression of what is actually important to the playerbase.

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