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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 13/07/23

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020

    [Feedback] Change Log 13/07/23

    Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments on the Change Log 13/07/23.

    The original post can be found here.

    Happy commenting!
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 12.07.23 at 15:32.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    A long list
    top - the seperation of trade and addies - makes it much cleaner - hopefully
    awsome that the mcc should be working fine - maybe we can get a couple of testers to try it out, please
    getting the naming back on the achivments - very nice

    in my oppionion a total waste
    the work on the skins - if there are no problems attached

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    Trade Channel Rules
    General trade discussion: Price inquiries/discussions, PFB trades, gifts, etc. (NOT allowed: Coop, Adventure and Coop-Requests in any form)
    This seems a bit vague- can you clarify:

    We sell the lootspots in adventures - usually for either an amopunt of coin or the adventure map- This is a trade activity IMO

    However- the new rule states that any adventure request in any form is allowed in trade- Does this include the selling or wanting to buy of a lootspot as well so basically all interactions regarding a running/to run adventure be it traderelated or not, need to go in the new channel or do we still have to trade the lootspot in trade and all other communications in the new channel?
    Last edited by Qualan; 13.07.23 at 06:31. Reason: cant quote fromt he other post so the referal is incorrect :P

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Fog fix - thank you, thank you!
    The rest - meh ..... but they are fixes to things that are broken so keep up the good work.

    Picking up on the Trade changes... yes this is not clear or actually why is it even needed given the low volumes of chats most of the time ?
    If I have posted a "Trade" IMO it should be announce in the trade channel.
    I can see where this pointless channel can be used when I offer a free loot spot or need players for a co-op, or are looking to join any adventure...
    But posting "selling fish for adventure" is a trade, and is no different from posting "selling fish for 10 adventures", or "cleaning out star, various adventures for sale".
    So where would a "Anyone got any spare Woodcutters for sale" go? Its a trade request for some adventures.
    Last edited by AndyGadget; 13.07.23 at 07:13.

  5. #5
    Treasure Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max_turtle View Post
    A long list
    awsome that the mcc should be working fine - maybe we can get a couple of testers to try it out, please
    I can personally attest with 94.444444444% certainty it's fixed.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    This seems a bit vague- can you clarify:

    We sell the lootspots in adventures - usually for either an amopunt of coin or the adventure map- This is a trade activity IMO

    However- the new rule states that any adventure request in any form is allowed in trade- Does this include the selling or wanting to buy of a lootspot as well so basically all interactions regarding a running/to run adventure be it traderelated or not, need to go in the new channel or do we still have to trade the lootspot in trade and all other communications in the new channel?
    I suspect the secret is in the title, ''Looking for Group'' so if selling a ls, looking for a ls, offering spots on coops we would go there but if selling actual advs then we would go to trade - just my guess mind you

    Just seems a total waste of time when no-one has asked for this on forum. The time could maybe have been used better sorting things players asked for?

  7. #7
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by DorotheusII View Post
    I can personally attest with 94.444444444% certainty it's fixed.
    that math i would love to see - as there is a chance to blow up my head

  8. #8
    Jolly Advisor
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    Jun 2013
    I speak for everyone when I say we do not care about the building skin category redesign or even the implementation of it at the top of merchant, should be low priority and about the coop chat can someone link the suggestion thread about it, curious if someone actually suggested it or developers just implementing random stuff from their head

  9. #9
    Treasure Hunter
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    Nov 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Max_turtle View Post
    that math i would love to see - as there is a chance to blow up my head
    Last Xmas I ran MCC 18 times, had the fog bug in Mountain Labyrinth 17 times, that means I had the fog bug 94.44444444% of the time. Last week I ran the fixed version of the game and had No fog bug in Mountain labyrinth which means it's fixed or I just hit that lucky 5.55555556%.

  10. #10
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    This seems a bit vague- can you clarify:

    We sell the lootspots in adventures - usually for either an amopunt of coin or the adventure map- This is a trade activity IMO

    However- the new rule states that any adventure request in any form is allowed in trade- Does this include the selling or wanting to buy of a lootspot as well so basically all interactions regarding a running/to run adventure be it traderelated or not, need to go in the new channel or do we still have to trade the lootspot in trade and all other communications in the new channel?
    Quote Originally Posted by AndyGadget View Post
    Fog fix - thank you, thank you!
    The rest - meh ..... but they are fixes to things that are broken so keep up the good work.

    Picking up on the Trade changes... yes this is not clear or actually why is it even needed given the low volumes of chats most of the time ?
    If I have posted a "Trade" IMO it should be announce in the trade channel.
    I can see where this pointless channel can be used when I offer a free loot spot or need players for a co-op, or are looking to join any adventure...
    But posting "selling fish for adventure" is a trade, and is no different from posting "selling fish for 10 adventures", or "cleaning out star, various adventures for sale".
    So where would a "Anyone got any spare Woodcutters for sale" go? Its a trade request for some adventures.
    Thank you for your comments. Based on the feedback, we have made some changes:
    • Trade channel: You can use it as before. If you have an adventure for sale or a loot slot (also for free), you will do it on the trade channel. However, you will not use this channel when searching for a coop partner.
    • Looking for a group channel: This channel is mainly about adventures, excluding trading. Therefore, if you are looking for someone to play adventure together, or join your adventure this channel is for that.

    I hope this cleared up the misunderstandings - if not, let me know.

    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Just seems a total waste of time when no-one has asked for this on forum. The time could maybe have been used better sorting things players asked for?
    Please note that The Settlers Online is a global game, where we listen to the opinions of players from all servers. This request was made to us regularly through the forum, in-game chat, and social networks. Players mainly said that they don't have a dedicated "channel" to find co-op partners if they don't sell/buy slots. We're constantly working on other improvements and this Update also includes some of the fixes players asked for a while.

    I would also like to point out that this feedback thread is only about the update. If you encounter any problems, be sure to post them in our bug section.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 13.07.23 at 11:29.

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